Unpinning triggers for superfluid vortex avalanches

Abstract in English

The pinning and collective unpinning of superfluid vortices in a decelerating container is a key element of the canonical model of neutron star glitches and laboratory spin-down experiments with helium II. Here the dynamics of vortex (un)pinning is explored using numerical Gross-Pitaevskii calculations, with a view to understanding the triggers for catastrophic unpinning events (vortex avalanches) that lead to rotational glitches. We explicitly identify three triggers: rotational shear between the bulk condensate and the pinned vortices, a vortex proximity effect driven by the repulsive vortex-vortex interaction, and sound waves emitted by moving and repinning vortices. So long as dissipation is low, sound waves emitted by a repinning vortex are found to be sufficiently strong to unpin a nearby vortex. For both ballistic and forced vortex motion, the maximum inter-vortex separation required to unpin scales inversely with pinning strength.
