f(R) Gravity from the renormalisation group

Abstract in English

We explore the cosmological dynamics of an effective f(R) model constructed from a renormalisation group (RG) improvement of the Einstein--Hilbert action, using the non-perturbative beta functions of the exact renormalisation group equation. The resulting f(R) model has some remarkable properties. It naturally exhibits an unstable de Sitter era in the ultraviolet (UV), dynamically connected to a stable de Sitter era in the IR, via a period of radiation and matter domination, thereby describing a non-singular universe. We find that the UV de Sitter point is one of an infinite set, which make the UV RG fixed point inaccessible to classical cosmological evolution. In the vicinity of the fixed point, the model behaves as R^2 gravity, while it correctly recovers General Relativity at solar system scales. In this simplified model, the fluctuations are too large to be the observed ones, and more ingredients in the action are needed.
