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Optimal Mass Configurations for Lensing High-Redshift Galaxies

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 Added by Kenneth Wong
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigate the gravitational lensing properties of lines of sight containing multiple cluster-scale halos, motivated by their ability to lens very high-redshift (z ~ 10) sources into detectability. We control for the total mass along the line of sight, isolating the effects of distributing the mass among multiple halos and of varying the physical properties of the halos. Our results show that multiple-halo lines of sight can increase the magnified source-plane region compared to the single cluster lenses typically targeted for lensing studies, and thus are generally better fields for detecting very high-redshift sources. The configurations that result in optimal lensing cross sections benefit from interactions between the lens potentials of the halos when they overlap somewhat on the sky, creating regions of high magnification in the source plane not present when the halos are considered individually. The effect of these interactions on the lensing cross section can even be comparable to changing the total mass of the lens from 10^15 M_sun to 3x10^15 M_sun. The gain in lensing cross section increases as the mass is split into more halos, provided that the lens potentials are projected close enough to interact with each other. A nonzero projected halo angular separation, equal halo mass ratio, and high projected halo concentration are the best mass configurations, whereas projected halo ellipticity, halo triaxiality, and the relative orientations of the halos are less important. Such high mass, multiple-halo lines of sight exist in the SDSS.

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We simulate the effects of gravitational lensing on the source count of high redshift galaxies as projected to be observed by the Hubble Frontier Fields program and the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) in the near future. Taking the mass density profile of the lensing object to be the singular isothermal sphere (SIS) or the Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) profile, we model a lens residing at a redshift of z_L = 0.5 and explore the radial dependence of the resulting magnification bias and its variability with the velocity dispersion of the lens, the photometric sensitivity of the instrument, the redshift of the background source population, and the intrinsic maximum absolute magnitude (M_{max}) of the sources. We find that gravitational lensing enhances the number of galaxies with redshifts z >= 13 detected in the angular region theta_E/2 <= theta <= 2theta_E (where theta_E is the Einstein angle) by a factor of ~ 3 and 1.5 in the HUDF (df/d u_0 ~ 9 nJy) and medium-deep JWST surveys (df/d u_0 ~ 6 nJy). Furthermore, we find that even in cases where a negative magnification bias reduces the observed number count of background sources, the lensing effect improves the sensitivity of the count to the intrinsic faint-magnitude cut-off of the Schechter luminosity function. In a field centered on a strong lensing cluster, observations of z >= 6 and z >= 13 galaxies with JWST can be used to infer this cut-off magnitude for values as faint as M_{max} ~ -14.4 and -16.1 mag (L_{min} ~ 2.5*10^{26} and 1.2*10^{27} erg s^{-1} Hz^{-1}) respectively, within the range bracketed by existing theoretical models. Gravitational lensing may therefore offer an effective way of constraining the low-luminosity cut-off of high-redshift galaxies.
374 - P. Santini 2009
We study the star formation and the mass assembly process of 0.3<=z<2.5 galaxies using their IR emission from MIPS 24um band. We used an updated version of the GOODS-MUSIC catalog, extended by the addition of mid-IR fluxes. We compared two different estimators of the Star Formation Rate: the total infrared emission derived from 24um, estimated using both synthetic and empirical IR templates, and the multiwavelength fit to the full galaxy SED. For both estimates, we computed the SFR Density and the Specific SFR. The two SFR tracers are roughly consistent, given the uncertainties involved. However, they show a systematic trend, IR-based estimates exceeding the fit-based ones as the SFR increases. We show that: a) at z>0.3, the SFR is well correlated with stellar mass, and this relationship seems to steepen with redshift (using IR-based SFRs); b) the contribution to the global SFRD by massive galaxies increases with redshift up to ~2.5, more rapidly than for galaxies of lower mass, but appears to flatten at higher z; c) despite this increase, the most important contributors to the SFRD at any z are galaxies of about, or immediately lower than, the characteristic stellar mass; d) at z~2, massive galaxies are actively star-forming, with a median SFR 300 Msun/yr. During this epoch, they assemble a substantial part of their final stellar mass; e) the SSFR shows a clear bimodal distribution. The analysis of the SFRD and the SSFR seems to support the downsizing scenario, according to which high mass galaxies have formed their stars earlier and faster than their low mass counterparts. A comparison with theoretical models indicates that they follow the global increase in the SSFR with redshift and predict the existence of quiescent galaxies even at z>1.5, but they systematically underpredict the average SSFR.
The observed properties of high redshift galaxies depend on the underlying foreground distribution of large scale structure, which distorts their intrinsic properties via gravitational lensing. We focus on the regime where the dominant contribution originates from a single lens and examine the statistics of gravitational lensing by a population of virialized and non-virialized structures using sub-mm galaxies at z ~ 2.6 and Lyman-break galaxies at redshifts z ~ 6 - 15 as the background sources. We quantify the effect of lensing on the luminosity function of the high redshift sources, focusing on the intermediate and small magnifications, mu < 2, which affect the majority of the background galaxies, and comparing to the case of strong lensing. We show that, depending on the intrinsic properties of the background galaxies, gravitational lensing can significantly affect the observed luminosity function even when no obvious strong lenses are present. Finally, we find that in the case of the Lyman-break galaxies it is important to account for the surface brightness profiles of both the foreground and the background galaxies when computing the lensing statistics, which introduces a selection criterion for the background galaxies that can actually be observed. Not taking this criterion into account leads to an overestimation of the number densities of very bright galaxies by nearly two orders of magnitude.
Recent observations have gathered a considerable sample of high redshift galaxy candidates and determined the evolution of their luminosity function (LF). To interpret these findings, we use cosmological SPH simulations including, in addition to standard physical processes, a detailed treatment of the Pop III-Pop II transition in early objects. The simulated high-z galaxies match remarkably well the amplitude and slope of the observed LF in the redshift range 5<z<10. The LF shifts towards fainter luminosities with increasing redshift, while its faint-end slope keeps an almost constant value, alpha ~-2. The stellar populations of high-z galaxies have ages of 100-300 (40-130) Myr at z=5 (z=7-8), implying an early (z>9.4) start of their star formation activity; the specific star formation rate is almost independent of galactic stellar mass. These objects are enriched rapidly with metals and galaxies identified by HST/WFC3 (M_UV < -18) show metallicities ~0.1 Zsun even at z=7-8. Most of the simulated galaxies at z~7 (noticeably the smallest ones) are virtually dust-free, and none of them has an extinction larger than E(B-V) = 0.01. The bulk (50%) of the ionizing photons is produced by objects populating the faint-end of the LF (M_UV < -16), which JWST will resolve up to z=7.3. PopIII stars continue to form essentially at all redshifts; however, at z=6 (z=10) the contribution of Pop III stars to the total galactic luminosity is always less than 5% for M_UV < -17 (M_UV < -16). The typical high-z galaxies closely resemble the GRB host galaxy population observed at lower redshifts, strongly encouraging the use of GRBs to detect the first galaxies.
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