Nuclear Shell Structure Evolution Theory

Abstract in English

The Self-similar-structure shell model (SSM) comes from the evolution of the conventional shell model (SM) and keeps the energy level of SM single particle harmonic oscillation motion. In SM, single particle motion is the positive harmonic oscillation and in SSM, the single particle motion is the negative harmonic oscillation. In this paper a nuclear evolution equation (NEE) is proposed. NEE describes the nuclear evolution process from gas state to liquid state and reveals the relations among SM, SSM and liquid drop model (DM). Based upon SSM and NEE theory, we propose the solution to long-standing problem of nuclear shell model single particle spin-orbit interaction energy . We demonstrate that the single particle motion in normal nuclear ground state is the negative harmonic oscillation of SSM[1][2][3][4] Key words: negative harmonic oscillation, nuclear evolution equation, self-similar shell model
