The Minimum Number of Dependent Arcs and a Related Parameter of Generalized Mycielski Graphs

Abstract in English

Let D be an acyclic orientation of the graph G. An arc of D is dependent if its reversal creates a directed cycle. Let m(G) denote the minimum number of dependent arcs over all acyclic orientations of G. For any k > 0, a generalized Mycielski graph M_k(G) of G is defined. Note that M_1(G) is the usual Mycielskian of G. We generalize results concerning m(M_1(G)) in K. L. Collins, K. Tysdal, J. Graph Theory, 46 (2004), 285-296, to m(M_k(G)). The underlying graph of a Hasse diagram is called a cover graph. Let c(G) denote the the minimum number of edges to be deleted from a graph G to get a cover graph. Analogue results about c(G) are also obtained.
