Differential and total cross sections for the pp -> ppK+K- reaction have been measured at a proton beam energy of 2.83 GeV using the COSY-ANKE magnetic spectrometer. Detailed model descriptions fitted to a variety of one-dimensional distributions permit the separation of the pp -> pp phi cross section from that of non-phi production. The differential spectra show that higher partial waves represent the majority of the pp -> pp phi total cross section at an excess energy of 76 MeV, whose energy dependence would then seem to require some s-wave phi-p enhancement near threshold. The non-phi data can be described in terms of the combined effects of two-body final state interactions using the same effective scattering parameters determined from lower energy data.
The production of non-phi K+K- pairs by protons of 2.83 GeV kinetic energy on C, Cu, Ag, and Au targets has been investigated using the COSY-ANKE magnetic spectrometer. The K- momentum dependence of the differential cross section has been measured at small angles over the 0.2--0.9 GeV/c range. The comparison of the data with detailed model calculations indicates an attractive K- -nucleus potential of about -60 MeV at normal nuclear matter density at a mean momentum of 0.5 GeV/c. However, this approach has difficulty in reproducing the smallness of the observed cross sections at low K- momenta.
We present results on the K*(892)+ production in proton-proton collisions at a beam energy of E = 3.5 GeV, which is hitherto the lowest energy at which this mesonic resonance has been observed in nucleon-nucleon reactions. The data are interpreted within a two-channel model that includes the 3-body production of K*(892)+ associated with the Lambda- or Sigma-hyperon. The relative contributions of both channels are estimated. Besides the total cross section sigma(p+p -> K*(892)+ + X) = 9.5 +- 0.9 +1.1 -0.9 +- 0.7 mub, that adds a new data point to the excitation function of the K*(892)+ production in the region of low excess energy, transverse momenta and angular spectra are extracted and compared with the predictions of the two-channel model. The spin characteristics of K*(892)+ are discussed as well in terms of the spin-alignment.
The near threshold total cross section and angular distributions of K+K- pair production via the reaction pp --> ppK+K- have been studied at an excess energy of Q = 17 MeV using the COSY-11 facility at the cooler synchrotron COSY. The obtained cross section as well as an upper limit at an excess energy of Q = 3 MeV represent the first measurements on the K+K- production in the region of small excess energies where production via the channel pp --> pp Phi --> ppK+K- is energetically forbidden. The possible influence of a resonant production via intermediate scalar states f0(980) and a0(980) is discussed.
The total cross section of the reaction $ppto ppK^+K^-$ has been determined for proton--proton reactions with $p_{beam}=3.67 GeV/c$. This represents the first cross section measurement of the $pp to ppK^-K^+$ channel near threshold, and is equivalent to the inclusive $ppto ppK^-X$ cross section at this beam momentum. The cross section determined at this beam momentum is about a factor 20 lower than that for inclusive $ppto ppK^+X$ meson production at the same CM energy above the corresponding threshold. This large difference in the $K^+$ and $K^-$ meson inclusive production cross sections in proton-proton reactions is in strong contrast to cross sections measured in sub-threshold heavy ion collisions, which are similar in magnitude at the same energy per nucleon below the respective thresholds.
The momentum spectra of K+ produced at small angles in proton-proton and proton-deuteron collisions have been measured at four beam energies, 1.826, 1.920, 2.020, and 2.650 GeV, using the ANKE spectrometer at COSY-Juelich. After making corrections for Fermi motion and shadowing, the data indicate that K+ production near threshold is stronger in pp- than in pn-induced reactions. However, most of this difference could be made up by the unobserved K0 production in the pn case.