A Step Forward To Component-based Software Cost Estimation in Object-oriented Environment

Abstract in English

Software cost estimation (SCE) of a project is pivotal to the acceptance or rejection of the development of software project. Various SCE techniques have been in practice with their own strengths and limitations. The latest of these is object-oriented one. Currently object-oriented approach for SCE is based on Line of Code (LOC), function points, functions and classes etc. Relatively less attention has been paid to the SCE in component-based software engineering (CBSE). So there is a pressing need to search parameters/variables that have a vital role for the SCE using CBSE which is taken up in this paper. This paper further looks at level of significance of all the parameters/variables thus searched. The time is being used as an independent variable because time is a parameter which is almost, all previous in one. Therefore this approach may be in a way an alternate of all previous approaches. Infact the underlying research ultimately may lead towards SCE of complex systems, using CBSE, in a scientific, systematic and comprehensive way.
