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Since the discovery of strangeness almost five decades ago, interest in this degree of freedom has grown up and now its investigation spans the scales from quarks to nuclei. Measurements with identified strange hadrons can provide important information on several hot topics in hadronic physics: the strange distribution and fragmentation functions, the nucleon tomography and quark orbital momentum, accessible through the study of the {it generalized} parton distribution and the {it transverse momentum dependent} parton distribution functions, the quark hadronization in the nuclear medium, the hadron spectroscopy and the search for exotic mesons. The CLAS12 large acceptance spectrometer in Hall B at the Jefferson Laboratory upgraded with a RICH detector together with the 12 GeV CEBAF high intensity, high polarized electron beam can open new possibilities to study strangeness in hard processes allowing breakthroughs in all those areas. This paper summarizes the physics case for a RICH detector for CLAS12. Many topics have been intensively discussed at the International Workshop Probing Strangeness in Hard Processes (PSHP2010) cite{PSHP-workshop} held in Frascati, Italy in October 2010. The authors of this papers like to thank all speakers and participants of the workshop for their contribution and very fruitful discussion.
New experimental data on transverse momentum spectra of strange particles (KS0, K-, K*, phi,...) produced in pp collisions at sqrt s = 200 GeV obtained by the STAR and PHENIX collaborations at RHIC are analysed in the framework of z-scaling approach. Scaling properties of the data z-presentation are illustrated. Self-similarity of strange particle production is discussed. A microscopic scenario of constituent interactions developed within the z-scaling approach is used to study constituent energy loss, proton momentum fraction and recoil mass in dependence on the transverse momentum, strangeness, and mass of the inclusive particle. The obtained results can be useful for understanding strangeness origin, for searching for new physics with strange probes and can serve as a benchmark for complex analyses of self-similar features of strange production in heavy ion collisions.
We first present an introduction to the theory of hard exclusive processes. We then illustrate this theory by a few selected examples. The last part is devoted to the most recent developments in the asymptotical energy limit.
The experimental data on hadron yields and ratios in central Pb+Pb and Au+Au collisions at SPS and RHIC energies, respectively, are analysed within a two-source statistical model of an ideal hadron gas. These two sources represent the expanding system of colliding heavy ions, where the hot central fireball is embedded in a larger but cooler fireball. The volume of the central source increases with rising bombarding energy. Results of the two-source model fit to RHIC experimental data at midrapidity coincide with the results of the one-source thermal model fit, indicating the formation of an extended fireball, which is three times larger than the corresponding core at SPS.
This report summarizes some of the recent HERA results obtained by studying hard processes in ep-scattering. By resolving the structure of the proton, hard ep-reactions provide information on the parton content of the proton and may give insight into the dynamics of the exchanged parton cascade. In addition, their study offers the possibility to test the Standard Model, in particular perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics, on which the theoretical predictions on ep-scattering cross sections are generally based. Any observed deviation between the data and existing theoretical models would either indicate the need to calculate higher order contributions or hint at signs of new physics.
We present and discuss the theory and phenomenology of the leading twist theory of nuclear shadowing which is based on the combination of the generalization of the Gribov-Glauber theory, QCD factorization theorems, and the HERA QCD analysis of diffraction in lepton-proton deep inelastic scattering (DIS). We apply this technique for the analysis of a wide range of hard processes with nuclei---inclusive DIS on deuterons, medium-range and heavy nuclei, coherent and incoherent diffractive DIS with nuclei, and hard diffraction in proton-nucleus scattering---and make predictions for the effect of nuclear shadowing in the corresponding sea quark and gluon parton distributions. We also analyze the role of the leading twist nuclear shadowing in generalized parton distributions in nuclei and in certain characteristics of final states in nuclear DIS. We discuss the limits of applicability of the leading twist approximation for small x scattering off nuclei and the onset of the black disk regime and methods of detecting it. It will be possible to check many of our predictions in the near future in the studies of the ultraperipheral collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Further checks will be possible in pA collisions at the LHC and forward hadron production at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). Detailed tests will be possible at an Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) in the USA and at the Large Hadron-Electron Collider (LHeC) at CERN.