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Zeilbergers Holonomic Ansatz for Pfaffians

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 Added by Christoph Koutschan
 Publication date 2012
and research's language is English

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A variation of Zeilbergers holonomic ansatz for symbolic determinant evaluations is proposed which is tailored to deal with Pfaffians. The method is also applicable to determinants of skew-symmetric matrices, for which the original approach does not work. As Zeilbergers approach is based on the Laplace expansion (cofactor expansion) of the determinant, we derive our approach from the cofactor expansion of the Pfaffian. To demonstrate the power of our method, we prove, using computer algebra algorithms, some conjectures proposed in the paper Pfaffian decomposition and a Pfaffian analogue of q-Catalan Hankel determinants by Ishikawa, Tagawa, and Zeng. A minor summation formula related to partitions and Motzkin paths follows as a corollary.

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In analogy to the definition of the lambda-determinant, we define a one-parameter deformation of the Dodgson condensation formula for Pfaffians. We prove that the resulting rational function is a polynomial with weights given by the crossings and nestings of perfect matchings and prove several identities and closed-form evaluations.
On complex algebraic varieties, height functions arising in combinatorial applications fail to be proper. This complicates the description and computation via Morse theory of key topological invariants. Here we establish checkable conditions under which the behavior at infinity may be ignored, and the usual theorems of classical and stratified Morse theory may be applied. This allows for simplified arguments in the field of analytic combinatorics in several variables, and forms the basis for new methods applying to problems beyond the reach of previous techniques.
We obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for the linear independence of solutions of differential equations for hyperlogarithms. The key fact is that the multiplier (i.e. the factor $M$ in the differential equation $dS=MS$) has only singularities of first order (Fuchsian-type equations) and this implies that they freely span a space which contains no primitive. We give direct applications where we extend the property of linear independence to the largest known ring of coefficients.
We explain a discontinuous drop in the exponential growth rate for certain multivariate generating functions at a critical parameter value, in even dimensions $d geq 4$. This result depends on computations in the homology of the algebraic variety where the generating function has a pole. These computations are similar to, and inspired by, a thread of research in applications of complex algebraic geometry to hyperbolic PDEs, going back to Leray, Petrowski, Atiyah, Bott and Garding. As a consequence, we give a topological explanation for certain asymptotic phenomenon appearing in the combinatorics and number theory literature. Furthermore, we show how to combine topological methods with symbolic algebraic computation to determine explicitly the dominant asymptotics for such multivariate generating functions. This in turn enables the rigorous determination of integer coefficients in the Morse-Smale complex, which are difficult to determine using direct geometric methods.
49 - Naihuan Jing , Jian Zhang 2020
We introduce the dynamical quantum Pfaffian on the dynamical quantum general linear group and prove its fundamental transformation identity. Hyper quantum dynamical Pfaffian is also introduced and formulas connecting them are given.
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