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The AKARI NEP-Deep survey: a mid-infrared source catalogue

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 Added by Toshinobu Takagi
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present a new catalogue of mid-IR sources using the AKARI NEP-Deep survey. The InfraRed Camera (IRC) onboard AKARI has a comprehensive mid-IR wavelength coverage with 9 photometric bands at 2 - 24 micron. We utilized all of these bands to cover a nearly circular area adjacent to the North Ecliptic Pole (NEP). We designed the catalogue to include most of sources detected in 7, 9, 11, 15 and 18 micron bands, and found 7284 sources in a 0.67 deg^2 area. From our simulations, we estimate that the catalogue is ~80 per cent complete to 200 micro Jy at 15 - 18 micron, and ~10 per cent of sources are missed, owing to source blending. Star-galaxy separation is conducted using only AKARI photometry, as a result of which 10 per cent of catalogued sources are found to be stars. The number counts at 11, 15, 18, and 24 micron are presented for both stars and galaxies. A drastic increase in the source density is found in between 11 and 15 micron at the flux level of ~300 micro Jy. This is likely due to the redshifted PAH emission at 8 micron, given our rough estimate of redshifts from an AKARI colour-colour plot. Along with the mid-IR source catalogue, we present optical-NIR photometry for sources falling inside a Subaru/Sprime-cam image covering part of the AKARI NEP-Deep field, which is deep enough to detect most of AKARI mid-IR sources, and useful to study optical characteristics of a complete mid-IR source sample.

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139 - C.P. Pearson , S. Oyabu , T. Wada 2010
We present galaxy counts at 15 microns using the Japanese AKARI satellites NEP-deep and NEP-wide legacy surveys at the North Ecliptic Pole. The total number of sources detected are approximately 6700 and 10,700 down to limiting fluxes of 117 and 250 microJy (5 sigma) for the NEP-deep and NEP-wide survey respectively. We construct the Euclidean normalized differential source counts for both data sets (assuming 80 percent completeness levels of 200 and 270 microJy respectively) to produce the widest and deepest contiguous survey at 15 microns to date covering the entire flux range from the deepest to shallowest surveys made with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) over areas sufficiently significant to overcome cosmic variance, detecting six times as many sources as the largest survey carried out with ISO.We compare the results from AKARI with the previous surveys with ISO at the same wavelength and the Spitzer observations at 16 microns using the peek-up camera on its IRS instrument. The AKARI source counts are consistent with other results to date reproducing the steep evolutionary rise at fluxes less than a milliJansky and super-Euclidean slopes. We find the the AKARI source counts show a slight excess at fluxes fainter than 200 microJanskys which is not predicted by previous source count models at 15 microns. However, we caution that at this level we may be suffering from the effects of source confusion in our data. At brighter fluxes greater than a milliJansky, the NEP-wide survey source counts agree with the Northern ISO-ELAIS field results, resolving the discrepancy of the bright end calibration in the ISO 15 micron source counts.
AKARI/IRC has a capability of the slit-less spectroscopy in the mid-infrared (5--13 $mu$m) over a 10 arcmin$times$10 arcmin area with a spectral resolution of 50, which is suitable for serendipitous surveys. The data reduction is, however, rather complicated by the confusion of nearby sources after dispersing the spectra. To make efficient and reliable data reduction, we first compiled a point-source list from the reference image in each field-of-view and checked the overlaps of the spectra using their relative positions and fluxes. Applying this procedure to 886 mid-infrared slit-less spectroscopic data taken in the cryogenic phase, we obtained 862 mid-infrared spectra from 604 individual non-overlapping sources brighter than 1.5 mJy. We find a variety of objects in the spectroscopic catalogue, ranging from stars to galaxies. We also obtained a by-product catalogue of 9 $mu$m point sources containing 42,387 objects brighter than 0.3 mJy. The spectroscopic and point-source catalogues are available online.
In this research, we provide a new, efficient method to select infrared (IR) active galatic nucleus (AGN). In the past, AGN selection in IR had been established by many studies using color-color diagrams. However, those methods have a problem in common that the number of bands is limited. The AKARI North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) survey was carried out by the AKARI Infrared Camera (IRC), which has 9 filters in mid-IR with a continuous wavelength coverage from 2 to 24$mu$m$^{-1}$. Based on the intrinsic different mid-IR features of AGN and star-forming galaxies (SFGs), we performed SED fitting to separate these two populations by the best-fitting model. In the X-ray AGN sample, our method by SED fitting selects 50$%$ AGNs, while the previous method by colour criteria recovers only 30$%$ of them, which is a significant improvement. Furthermore, in the whole NEP deep sample, SED fitting selects two times more AGNs than the color selection. This may imply that the black hole accretion history could be more stronger than people expected before.
The north ecliptic pole (NEP) field is a natural deep field location for many satellite observations. It has been targeted manytimes since it was surveyed by the AKARI space telescope with its unique wavelength coverage from the near- to mid-infrared(mid-IR). Many follow-up observations have been carried out and made this field one of the most frequently observed areas witha variety of facilities, accumulating abundant panchromatic data from X-ray to radio wavelength range. Recently, a deep opticalsurvey with the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) at the Subaru telescope covered the NEP-Wide (NEPW) field, which enabled us toidentify faint sources in the near- and mid-IR bands, and to improve the photometric redshift (photo-z) estimation. In this work,we present newly identified AKARI sources by the HSC survey, along with multi-band photometry for 91,861 AKARI sourcesobserved over the NEPW field. We release a new band-merged catalogue combining various photometric data from GALEXUV to the submillimetre (sub-mm) bands (e.g., Herschel/SPIRE, JCMT/SCUBA-2). About 20,000 AKARI sources are newlymatched to the HSC data, most of which seem to be faint galaxies in the near- to mid-infrared AKARI bands. This cataloguemotivates a variety of current research, and will be increasingly useful as recently launched (eROSITA/ART-XC) and futurespace missions (such as JWST, Euclid, and SPHEREx) plan to take deep observations in the NEP field.
We present results of a 1.1 mm deep survey of the AKARI Deep Field South (ADF-S) with AzTEC mounted on the Atacama Submillimetre Telescope Experiment (ASTE). We obtained a map of 0.25 sq. deg area with an rms noise level of 0.32-0.71 mJy. This is one of the deepest and widest maps thus far at millimetre and submillimetre wavelengths. We uncovered 198 sources with a significance of 3.5-15.6 sigma, providing the largest catalog of 1.1 mm sources in a contiguous region. Most of the sources are not detected in the far-infrared bands of the AKARI satellite, suggesting that they are mostly at z ~ 1.5 given the detection limits. We constructed differential and cumulative number counts in the ADF-S, the Subaru/XMM Newton Deep Field (SXDF), and the SSA 22 field surveyed by AzTEC/ASTE, which provide currently the tightest constraints on the faint end. The integration of the best-fit number counts in the ADF-S find that the contribution of 1.1 mm sources with fluxes >=1 mJy to the cosmic infrared background (CIB) at 1.1 mm is 12-16%, suggesting that the large fraction of the CIB originates from faint sources of which the number counts are not yet constrained. We estimate the cosmic star-formation rate density contributed by 1.1 mm sources with >=1 mJy using the best-fit number counts in the ADF-S and find that it is lower by about a factor of 5-10 compared to those derived from UV/optically-selected galaxies at z ~ 2-3. The fraction of stellar mass of the present-day universe produced by 1.1 mm sources with >=1 mJy at z >= 1 is ~20%, calculated by the time integration of the star-formation rate density. If we consider the recycled fraction of >0.4, which is the fraction of materials forming stars returned to the interstellar medium, the fraction of stellar mass produced by 1.1 mm sources decrease to <~10%.
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