Correlators of Giant Gravitons from dual ABJ(M) Theory

Abstract in English

We generalize the operators of ABJM theory, given by Schur polynomials, in ABJ theory by computing the two point functions in the free field and at finite $(N_1,N_2)$ limits. These polynomials are then identified with the states of the dual gravity theory. Further, we compute correlators among giant gravitons as well as between giant gravitons and ordinary gravitons through the corresponding correlators of ABJ(M) theory. Finally, we consider a particular non-trivial background produced by an operator with an $cal R$-charge of $O(N^2)$ and find, in presence of this background, due to the contribution of the non-planar corrections, the large $(N_1,N_2)$ expansion is replaced by $1/(N_1+M)$ and $1/(N_2+M)$ respectively.
