Hadronic Trigger using electromagnetic calorimeter and particle identification at high-pT with STAR Detector

Abstract in English

We derive a new method to improve the statistics of identified particles at high transverse momentum (pt) using online-triggered events by the Barrel Electro-Magnetic-Calorimeter (BEMC) detector. The BEMC is used to select hadronic interaction and energy deposit from showers created by charged hadrons ($pi^{pm},K^{pm}$ and $p$($bar{p}$)) in the BEMC. With this trigger, the statistics of the high pt particles are significantly enhanced by about a factor of 100 with selection efficiency up to 20%. In addition, resonant states ($rho^0$, $K^{star}$) and weak-decay V0 (Ks and La(aLa)) can be constructed by selecting the BEMC-trigger hadron as one of its daughters. We also show that the trigger efficiency can be obtained reliably in simulation and data-driven approaches.
