Dimensions of group schemes of automorphisms of truncated Barsotti--Tate groups

Abstract in English

Let $D$ be a $p$-divisible group over an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$. Let $n_D$ be the smallest non-negative integer such that $D$ is determined by $D[p^{n_D}]$ within the class of $p$-divisible groups over $k$ of the same codimension $c$ and dimension $d$ as $D$. We study $n_D$, lifts of $D[p^m]$ to truncated Barsotti--Tate groups of level $m+1$ over $k$, and the numbers $gamma_D(i):=dim(pmb{Aut}(D[p^i]))$. We show that $n_Dle cd$, $(gamma_D(i+1)-gamma_D(i))_{iinBbb N}$ is a decreasing sequence in $Bbb N$, for $cd>0$ we have $gamma_D(1)<gamma_D(2)<...<gamma_D(n_D)$, and for $min{1,...,n_D-1}$ there exists an infinite set of truncated Barsotti--Tate groups of level $m+1$ which are pairwise non-isomorphic and lift $D[p^m]$. Different generalizations to $p$-divisible groups with a smooth integral group scheme in the crystalline context are also proved.
