Synthesis, Characterization, and Finite Size Effects on Electrical Transport of Nanoribbons of the Charge-Density Wave Conductor NbSe3

Abstract in English

NbSe3 exhibits remarkable anisotropy in most of its physical properties and has been a model system for studies of quasi-one-dimensional charge-density-wave (CDW) phenomena. Herein, we report the synthesis, characterization, and electrical transport of single-crystalline NbSe3 nanoribbons by a facile one-step vapour transport process involving the transport of selenium powder onto a niobium foil substrate. Our investigations aid the understanding of the CDW nature of NbSe3 and the growth process of the material. They also indicate that NbSe3 nanoribbons have enhanced CDW properties compared to those of the bulk phase due to size confinement effects, thus expanding the search for new mesoscopic phenomena at the nanoscale level. Single nanoribbon measurements on the electrical resistance as a function of temperature show charge-density wave transitions at 59 K and 141 K. We also demonstrate significant enhancement in the depinning effect and sliding regimes mainly attributed to finite size effects.
