Geometrically induced electric polarization in conical topological insulators

Abstract in English

We study the topological magnetoelectric effect on a conical topological insulator when a point charge $q$ is near the cone apex. The Hall current induced on the cone surface and the image charge configuration are determined. We also study a kind of gravitational Aharonov-Bohm effect in this geometry and realize a phase diference betwen the components of the wavefunctions (spinors) upon closed parallel transport around the (singular) cone tip. Concretely, a net current flowing towards cone apex (or botton) shows up, yielding electric polarization of the conical topological insulator. Such an effect may be detected, for instance, by means of the net accumulated Hall charge near the apex. Once it depends only on the geometry of the material (essetially, the cone apperture angle) this may be faced as a microscopic scale realization of (2+1)-dimensional Einstein gravity.
