Multi-frequency study of the Large Magellanic Cloud Supernova Remnant J0529-6653 near Pulsar B0529-66

Abstract in English

We report the ATCA and ROSAT detection of Supernova Remnant (SNR) J0529--6653 in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) which is positioned in the projected vicinity of the known radio pulsar PSR B0529-66. In the radio-continuum frequencies, this LMC object follows a typical SNR structure of a shell morphology with brightened regions in the south-west. It exhibits an almost circular shape of D=33 x 31 pc (1 pc uncertainty in each direction) and radio spectral index of alpha=-0.68$+-$0.03 - typical for mid-age SNRs. We also report detection of polarised regions with a peak value of 17+-7% at 6 cm. An investigation of ROSAT images produced from merged PSPC data reveals the presence of extended X-ray emission coincident with the radio emission of the SNR. In X-rays, the brightest part is in the north-east. We discuss various scenarios in regards to the SNR-PSR association with emphasis on the large age difference, lack of a pulsar trail and no prominent point-like radio or X-ray source.
