Depressive patients are more impulsive and inconsistent in intertemporal choice behavior for monetary gain and loss than healthy subjects- an analysis based on Tsallis statistics

Abstract in English

Depression has been associated with impaired neural processing of reward and punishment. However, to date, little is known regarding the relationship between depression and intertemporal choice for gain and loss. We compared impulsivity and inconsistency in intertemporal choice for monetary gain and loss (quantified with parameters in the q-exponential discount function based on Tsallis statistics) between depressive patients and healthy control subjects. This examination is potentially important for advances in neuroeconomics of intertemporal choice, because depression is associated with reduced serotonergic activities in the brain. We observed that depressive patients were more impulsive and time-inconsistent in intertemporal choice action for gain and loss, in comparison to healthy controls. The usefulness of the q-exponential discount function for assessing the impaired decision-making by depressive patients was demonstrated. Furthermore, biophysical mechanisms underlying the altered intertemporal choice by depressive patients are discussed in relation to impaired serotonergic neural systems. Keywords: Depression, Discounting, Neuroeconomics, Impulsivity, Inconsistency, Tsallis statistics
