Scaling behavior in two-flavor QCD, finite quark masses and finite volume effects

Abstract in English

The question of the exact nature of the phase transition in two-flavor QCD is still under discussion. Recent results for small quark masses in simulations with 2+1 flavors show scaling behavior consistent with the O(4) or O(2) universality class. For a precise determination, an assessment of deviations from the ideal scaling behavior due to finite quark masses and finite simulation volumes is necessary. We study the scaling behavior at the chiral phase transition with an effective quark-meson model. In our Renormalization Group approach, the quark masses in the model can be varied from the chiral limit over a wide range of values, which allows us to estimate scaling deviations due to large quark masses and the extent of the scaling region. We conclude that scaling deviations are already large at pion masses of 75 MeV, but that the effect is difficult to see in the absence of results for even smaller masses. Comparing results only in a narrow window of pion masses leads to the observation of apparent scaling behavior. While the scaling deviations are not necessarily universal, we expect that this may affect current lattice simulation results. By placing the system in a finite box, we investigate the transition between infinite-volume scaling behavior and finite-size scaling. We estimate that finite-size scaling behavior can be tested in regions where pion mass times box size is approximately 2 - 3, which is smaller than in most current lattice simulations. We expect that finite-volume effects are small for pion masses of 75 MeV and lattice aspect ratios with TL > 8, but that they will become significant when pion masses in lattice simulations become smaller.
