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Embedding Description Logic Programs into Default Logic

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 Added by Yisong Wang
 Publication date 2011
and research's language is English

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Description logic programs (dl-programs) under the answer set semantics formulated by Eiter {em et al.} have been considered as a prominent formalism for integrating rules and ontology knowledge bases. A question of interest has been whether dl-programs can be captured in a general formalism of nonmonotonic logic. In this paper, we study the possibility of embedding dl-programs into default logic. We show that dl-programs under the strong and weak answer set semantics can be embedded in default logic by combining two translations, one of which eliminates the constraint operator from nonmonotonic dl-atoms and the other translates a dl-program into a default theory. For dl-programs without nonmonotonic dl-atoms but with the negation-as-failure operator, our embedding is polynomial, faithful, and modular. In addition, our default logic encoding can be extended in a simple way to capture recently proposed weakly well-supported answer set semantics, for arbitrary dl-programs. These results reinforce the argument that default logic can serve as a fruitful foundation for query-based approaches to integrating ontology and rules. With its simple syntax and intuitive semantics, plus available computational results, default logic can be considered an attractive approach to integration of ontology and rules.

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Description Logic Programs (dl-programs) proposed by Eiter et al. constitute an elegant yet powerful formalism for the integration of answer set programming with description logics, for the Semantic Web. In this paper, we generalize the notions of completion and loop formulas of logic programs to description logic programs and show that the answer sets of a dl-program can be precisely captured by the models of its completion and loop formulas. Furthermore, we propose a new, alternative semantics for dl-programs, called the {em canonical answer set semantics}, which is defined by the models of completion that satisfy what are called canonical loop formulas. A desirable property of canonical answer sets is that they are free of circular justifications. Some properties of canonical answer sets are also explored.
Weighted logic programming, a generalization of bottom-up logic programming, is a well-suited framework for specifying dynamic programming algorithms. In this setting, proofs correspond to the algorithms output space, such as a path through a graph or a grammatical derivation, and are given a real-valued score (often interpreted as a probability) that depends on the real weights of the base axioms used in the proof. The desired output is a function over all possible proofs, such as a sum of scores or an optimal score. We describe the PRODUCT transformation, which can merge two weighted logic programs into a new one. The resulting program optimizes a product of proof scores from the original programs, constituting a scoring function known in machine learning as a ``product of experts. Through the addition of intuitive constraining side conditions, we show that several important dynamic programming algorithms can be derived by applying PRODUCT to weighted logic programs corresponding to simpler weighted logic programs. In addition, we show how the computation of Kullback-Leibler divergence, an information-theoretic measure, can be interpreted using PRODUCT.
In this note we consider the problem of introducing variables in temporal logic programs under the formalism of Temporal Equilibrium Logic (TEL), an extension of Answer Set Programming (ASP) for dealing with linear-time modal operators. To this aim, we provide a definition of a first-order version of TEL that shares the syntax of first-order Linear-time Temporal Logic (LTL) but has a different semantics, selecting some LTL models we call temporal stable models. Then, we consider a subclass of theories (called splittable temporal logic programs) that are close to usual logic programs but allowing a restricted use of temporal operators. In this setting, we provide a syntactic definition of safe variables that suffices to show the property of domain independence -- that is, addition of arbitrary elements in the universe does not vary the set of temporal stable models. Finally, we present a method for computing the derivable facts by constructing a non-temporal logic program with variables that is fed to a standard ASP grounder. The information provided by the grounder is then used to generate a subset of ground temporal rules which is equivalent to (and generally smaller than) the full program instantiation.
112 - Vincent Nys 2017
We extend a technique called Compiling Control. The technique transforms coroutining logic programs into logic programs that, when executed under the standard left-to-right selection rule (and not using any delay features) have the same computational behavior as the coroutining program. In recent work, we revised Compiling Control and reformulated it as an instance of Abstract Conjunctive Partial Deduction. This work was mostly focused on the program analysis performed in Compiling Control. In the current paper, we focus on the synthesis of the transformed program. Instead of synthesizing a new logic program, we synthesize a CHR(Prolog) program which mimics the coroutining program. The synthesis to CHR yields programs containing only simplification rules, which are particularly amenable to certain static analysis techniques. The programs are also more concise and readable and can be ported to CHR implementations embedded in other languages than Prolog.
The question whether an ontology can safely be replaced by another, possibly simpler, one is fundamental for many ontology engineering and maintenance tasks. It underpins, for example, ontology versioning, ontology modularization, forgetting, and knowledge exchange. What safe replacement means depends on the intended application of the ontology. If, for example, it is used to query data, then the answers to any relevant ontology-mediated query should be the same over any relevant data set; if, in contrast, the ontology is used for conceptual reasoning, then the entailed subsumptions between concept expressions should coincide. This gives rise to different notions of ontology inseparability such as query inseparability and concept inseparability, which generalize corresponding notions of conservative extensions. We survey results on various notions of inseparability in the context of description logic ontologies, discussing their applications, useful model-theoretic characterizations, algorithms for determining whether two ontologies are inseparable (and, sometimes, for computing the difference between them if they are not), and the computational complexity of this problem.

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