Properties and Keplerian Rotation of the Hot Core IRAS 20126+4104

Abstract in English

We present Submillimeter Array observations of the massive star-forming region IRAS 20126+4104 in the millimeter continuum and in several molecular line transitions. With the SMA data, we have detected nine molecular transitions, including DCN, CH3OH, H2CO, and HC3N molecules, and imaged each molecular line. From the 1.3 mm continuum emission a compact millimeter source is revealed, which is also associated with H2O, OH, and CH3OH masers. Using a rotation temperature diagram (RTD), we derive that the rotational temperature and the column density of CH3OH are 200 K and 3.7times 1017 cm-2, respectively. The calculated results and analysis further indicate that a hot core coincides with IRAS 20126+4104. The position-velocity diagrams of H2CO 3(0,3)-2(0,2) and HC3N 25-24 clearly present Keplerian rotation. Moreover, H2CO 3(0,3)-2(0,2) is found to trace the disk rotation for the first time.
