Highlights of the VERITAS Blazar Observation Program

Abstract in English

The VERITAS array of 12-m atmospheric-Cherenkov telescopes in southern Arizona began full-scale operations in 2007, and it is one of the worlds most sensitive detectors of astrophysical VHE (E > 100 GeV) gamma rays. Forty-one blazars are known to emit VHE photons, and observations of blazars are one of the VERITAS Collaborations Key Science Projects (KSPs). More than 400 hours per year are devoted to this program, and ~100 blazars have already been observed with the array, in most cases with the deepest-ever VHE exposure. These observations have resulted in 20 detections, including 10 new VHE blazars. Highlights of the VERITAS blazar observation program, and the collaborations long-term blazar observation strategy, are presented.
