Radio continuum observations of LMC SNR J0550-6823

Abstract in English

We report on new Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) observations of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) supernova remnant (SNR) J0550-6823 (DEM L328). This object is a typical horseshoe SNR with a diameter of 373 x 282 +- 4 (90 x 68 +- 1), making it one of the largest known SNRs in the Local Group. We estimate a relatively steep radio spectral index of alpha = -0.79 +- 0.27. However, its stronger than expected polarisation of 50% +- 10% is atypical for older and more evolved SNRs. We also note a strong correlation between [Oiii] and radio images, classifying this SNR as oxygen dominant.
