New Initiatives on RR Lyrae Chemical Compositions

Abstract in English

The serendipitous discovery by Preston and colleagues of the neutron-capture-enhanced RR Lyrae variable star TY Gru (a.k.a. CS 22881-071 in the HK survey of very metal-poor halo stars) has resulted in a growing set of initiatives on the chemical compositions of RR Lyrae stars and their application to broader topics in Galactic halo structure. Here we summarize the main aspects of our work on TY Gru, including a new discussion of our search for possible orbital motion of this star around a putative unseen companion. Then we describe a few of the results of a newly-completed intensive spectroscopic investigation of 10 additional field RR Lyr stars. We finish by outlining current projects that seek to contrast the atmospheres and chemical compositions of RRc stars with those of the RRab stars, and that employ a much larger RRab sample in a chemo-dynamical study of Galactic halo RR Lyr.
