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Characterization of the Virgo Seismic Environment

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 Added by Michael Coughlin
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The Virgo gravitational wave detector is an interferometer (ITF) with 3km arms located in Pisa, Italy. From July to October 2010, Virgo performed its third science run (VSR3) in coincidence with the LIGO detectors. Despite several techniques adopted to isolate the interferometer from the environment, seismic noise remains an important issue for Virgo. Vibrations produced by the detector infrastructure (such as air conditioning units, water chillers/heaters, pumps) are found to affect Virgos sensitivity, with the main coupling mechanisms being through beam jitter and scattered light processes. The Advanced Virgo (AdV) design seeks to reduce ITF couplings to environmental noise by having most vibration-sensitive components suspended and in-vacuum, as well as muffle and relocate loud machines. During the months of June and July 2010, a Guralp-3TD seismometer was stationed at various locations around the Virgo site hosting major infrastructure machines. Seismic data were examined using spectral and coherence analysis with seismic probes close to the detector. The primary aim of this study was to identify noisy machines which seismically affect the ITF environment and thus require mitigation attention. Analyzed machines are located at various distances from the experimental halls, ranging from 10m to 100m. An attempt is made to measure the attenuation of emitted noise at the ITF and correlate it to the distance from the source and to seismic attenuation models in soil.

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The field of gravitational-wave astronomy has been opened up by gravitational-wave observations made with interferometric detectors. This review surveys the current state-of-the-art in gravitational-wave detectors and data analysis methods currently used by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory in the United States and the Virgo Observatory in Italy. These analysis methods will also be used in the recently completed KAGRA Observatory in Japan. Data analysis algorithms are developed to target one of four classes of gravitational waves. Short duration, transient sources include compact binary coalescences, and burst sources originating from poorly modelled or unanticipated sources. Long duration sources include sources which emit continuous signals of consistent frequency, and many unresolved sources forming a stochastic background. A description of potential sources and the search for gravitational waves from each of these classes are detailed.
The Virgo detector is a kilometer-length interferometer for gravitational wave detection located near Pisa (Italy). During its second science run (VSR2) in 2009, six months of data were accumulated with a sensitivity close to its design. In this paper, the methods used to determine the parameters for sensitivity estimation and gravitational wave reconstruction are described. The main quantities to be calibrated are the frequency response of the mirror actuation and the sensing of the output power. Focus is also put on their absolute timing. The monitoring of the calibration data as well as the parameter estimation with independent techniques are discussed to provide an estimation of the calibration uncertainties. Finally, the estimation of the Virgo sensitivity in the frequency-domain is described and typical sensitivities measured during VSR2 are shown.
138 - J. Aasi , J. Abadie , B. P. Abbott 2012
Between 2007 and 2010 Virgo collected data in coincidence with the LIGO and GEO gravitational-wave (GW) detectors. These data have been searched for GWs emitted by cataclysmic phenomena in the universe, by non-axisymmetric rotating neutron stars or from a stochastic background in the frequency band of the detectors. The sensitivity of GW searches is limited by noise produced by the detector or its environment. It is therefore crucial to characterize the various noise sources in a GW detector. This paper reviews the Virgo detector noise sources, noise propagation, and conversion mechanisms which were identified in the three first Virgo observing runs. In many cases, these investigations allowed us to mitigate noise sources in the detector, or to selectively flag noise events and discard them from the data. We present examples from the joint LIGO-GEO-Virgo GW searches to show how well noise transients and narrow spectral lines have been identified and excluded from the Virgo data. We also discuss how detector characterization can improve the astrophysical reach of gravitational-wave searches.
The three Advanced Virgo and LIGO gravitational wave detectors participated to the third observing run (O3) between 1 April 2019 15:00 UTC and 27 March 2020 17:00 UTC,leading to weekly detections of gravitational waves. This paper describes the Advanced Virgo detector calibration and the reconstruction of the detector strain $h(t)$ during O3, as well as the estimation of the associated uncertainties. For the first time, the photon calibration technique as been used as reference for Virgo calibration, which allowed to cross-calibrate the strain amplitude of the Virgo and LIGO detectors. The previous reference, so-called free swinging Michelson technique, has still been used but as an independent cross-check. $h(t)$ reconstruction and noise subtraction were processed online, with good enough quality to prevent the need for offline reprocessing, except for the two last weeks of September 2019. The uncertainties for the reconstructed $h(t)$ strain, estimated in this paper, are frequency independent: 5% in amplitude, 35 mrad in phase and 10 $mu$s in timing, with the exception of larger uncertainties around 50 Hz.
In 2009-2010, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observa- tory (LIGO) operated together with international partners Virgo and GEO600 as a network to search for gravitational waves of astrophysical origin. The sensitiv- ity of these detectors was limited by a combination of noise sources inherent to the instrumental design and its environment, often localized in time or frequency, that couple into the gravitational-wave readout. Here we review the performance of the LIGO instruments during this epoch, the work done to characterize the de- tectors and their data, and the effect that transient and continuous noise artefacts have on the sensitivity of LIGO to a variety of astrophysical sources.
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