Dynamical Symmetry Breaking with Four-Superfield Interactions

Abstract in English

We investigate the dynamical mass generation resulted from interaction terms with four chiral superfields. The kind of interactions maybe considered a supersymmetric generalization of the four-fermion interactions of the classic Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. A four-superfield interaction that contains a four-fermion interaction as one of its component terms has been the standard supersymmetrization of the NJL model for decades. Recently, we introduced a holomorphic variant with a dimension five interaction term instead. The latter is a main target of the present analysis. With the introduction of a new perspective on the superfield gap equation, we derive it for each one of the four-superfield interactions, using the supergraph technique. Through analyzing solutions to the gap equations, we illustrate the dynamical generation of superfield Dirac mass, including a supersymmetry breaking part. A dynamical symmetry breaking generally goes along with the dynamical mass generation, for which a bi-superfield condensate is responsible. The explicit illustration of dynamical symmetry breaking from the holomorphic dimension five interaction is reported for the first time. It has rich and novel features, which would be easily missed without the superfield approach developed here. We also discuss the nature of the bi-superfield condensate and its role of the effective Higgs superfield picture for both cases, illustrating their difference. Note that such a holomorphic quark superfield interaction term can successful account for the electroweak symmetry breaking with Higgs superfields as composites.
