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Mid-infrared interferometric monitoring of evolved stars - The dust shell around the Mira variable RR Aql at 13 epochs

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 Added by Iva Karovicova
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We obtained 13 epochs of mid-infrared interferometry with the MIDI instrument at the VLTI between April 2004 and July 2007, covering pulsation phases 0.45-0.85 within four cycles. The data are modeled with a radiative transfer model of the dust shell where the central stellar intensity profile is described by a series of dust-free dynamic model atmospheres based on self-excited pulsation models. We examined two dust species, silicate and Al2O3 grains. We performed model simulations using variations in model phase and dust shell parameters to investigate the expected variability of our photometric and interferometric data. The observed visibility spectra do not show any indication of variations as a function of pulsation phase and cycle. The observed photometry spectra may indicate intracycle and cycle-to-cycle variations at the level of 1-2 standard deviations. The best-fitting model for our average pulsation phase of 0.64+/-0.15 includes the dynamic model atmosphere M21n (T_model=2550 K) with a photospheric angular diameter of 7.6+/-0.6 mas, and a silicate dust shell with an optical depth of 2.8+/-0.8, an inner radius of 4.1+/-0.7 R_Phot, and a power-law index of the density distribution of 2.6+/-0.3. The addition of an Al2O3 dust shell did not improve the model fit. The photospheric angular diameter corresponds to a radius of 520^+230_-140 R_sun and an effective temperature of ~ 2420+/-200 K. Our modeling simulations confirm that significant visibility variations are not expected for RR Aql at mid-infrared wavelengths within our uncertainties. We conclude that our RR Aql data can be described by a pulsating atmosphere surrounded by a silicate dust shell. The effects of the pulsation on the mid-infrared flux and visibility values are expected to be less than about 25% and 20%, respectively, and are too low to be detected within our measurement uncertainties.

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We report long-baseline interferometric measurements of circumstellar dust around massive evolved stars with the MIDI instrument on the Very Large Telescope Interferometer and provide spectrally dispersed visibilities in the 8-13 micron wavelength band. We also present diffraction-limited observations at 10.7 micron on the Keck Telescope with baselines up to 8.7 m which explore larger scale structure. We have resolved the dust shells around the late type WC stars WR 106 and WR 95, and the enigmatic NaSt1 (formerly WR 122), suspected to have recently evolved from a Luminous Blue Variable (LBV) stage. For AG Car, the protoypical LBV in our sample, we marginally resolve structure close to the star, distinct from the well-studied detached nebula. The dust shells around the two WC stars show fairly constant size in the 8-13 micron MIDI band, with gaussian half-widths of ~ 25 to 40 mas. The compact dust we detect around NaSt1 and AG Car favors recent or ongoing dust formation. Using the measured visibilities, we build spherically symmetric radiative transfer models of the WC dust shells which enable detailed comparison with existing SED-based models. Our results indicate that the inner radii of the shells are within a few tens of AU from the stars. In addition, our models favor grain size distributions with large (~ 1 micron) dust grains. This proximity of the inner dust to the hot central star emphasizes the difficulty faced by current theories in forming dust in the hostile environment around WR stars. Although we detect no direct evidence for binarity for these objects, dust production in a colliding-wind interface in a binary system is a feasible mechanism in WR systems under these conditions.
We have used near- and mid-infrared interferometry to investigate the pulsating atmosphere and the circumstellar environment of the Mira variable RR Aql. Observations were taken with the VLTI/AMBER (near infrared) and the VLTI/MIDI (mid infrared) instruments. We have obtained a total of 15 MIDI epochs between Apr 9, 2004 and Jul 28, 2007 covering 4 pulsation cycles and one AMBER epoch on Sep 9, 2006 at phase 2.82. This work is also part of an ongoing project of joint VLTI and VLBA observations to study the connection between stellar pulsation and the mass loss process. Here we present a comparison of the AMBER visibility data to a simple uniform disk model as well as to predictions by recent self-excited dynamic model atmospheres. The best fitting photospheric angular diameter of the model atmosphere at phase 2.82 is 9.9 +/- 2.4 mas.
We present the first multi-epoch study that includes concurrent mid-infrared and radio interferometry of an oxygen-rich Mira star. We obtained mid-infrared interferometry of S Ori with VLTI/MIDI at four epochs between December 2004 and December 2005. We concurrently observed v=1, J=1-0 (43.1 GHz), and v=2, J=1-0 (42.8 GHz) SiO maser emission toward S Ori with the VLBA at three epochs. The MIDI data are analyzed using self-excited dynamic model atmospheres including molecular layers, complemented by a radiative transfer model of the circumstellar dust shell. The VLBA data are reduced to the spatial structure and kinematics of the maser spots. The modeling of our MIDI data results in phase-dependent continuum photospheric angular diameters between about 7.9 mas (Phase 0.55) and 9.7 mas (Phase 1.16). The dust shell can best be modeled with Al2O3 grains using phase-dependent inner boundary radii between 1.8 and 2.4 photospheric radii. The dust shell appears to be more compact with greater optical depth near visual minimum, and more extended with lower optical depth after visual maximum. The ratios of the SiO maser ring radii to the photospheric radii are between about 1.9 and 2.4. The maser spots mark the region of the molecular atmospheric layers just beyond the steepest decrease in the mid-infrared model intensity profile. Their velocity structure indicates a radial gas expansion. Al2O3 dust grains and SiO maser spots form at relatively small radii of 1.8-2.4 photospheric radii. Our results suggest increased mass loss and dust formation close to the surface near the minimum visual phase, when Al2O3 dust grains are co-located with the molecular gas and the SiO maser shells, and a more expanded dust shell after visual maximum. Silicon does not appear to be bound in dust, as our data show no sign of silicate grains.
We analysed 30 RR Lyrae stars (RRLs) located in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) globular cluster Reticulum that were observed in the 3.6 and 4.5 $mu$m passbands with the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on board of the Spitzer Space Telescope. We derived new mid-infrared (MIR) period-luminosity PL relations. The zero points of the PL relations were estimated using the trigonometric parallaxes of five bright Milky Way (MW) RRLs measured with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and, as an alternative, we used the trigonometric parallaxes published in the first Gaia data release (DR1) which were obtained as part of the Tycho-Gaia Astrometric Solution (TGAS) and the parallaxes of the same stars released with the second Gaia data release (DR2). We determined the distance to Reticulum using our new MIR PL relations and found that distances calibrated on the TGAS and DR2 parallaxes are in a good agreement and, generally, smaller than distances based on the HST parallaxes, although they are still consistent within the respective errors. We conclude that Reticulum is located ~3 kpc closer to us than the barycentre of the LMC.
We combine variability information from the MAssive Compact Halo Objects (MACHO) survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) with infrared photometry from the Spitzer Space Telescope Surveying the Agents of a Galaxys Evolution (SAGE) survey to create a dataset of ~30 000 variable red sources. We photometrically classify these sources as being on the first ascent of the Red Giant Branch (RGB), or as being in one of three stages along the Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB): oxygen-rich, carbon-rich, or highly reddened with indeterminate chemistry (extreme AGB candidates). We present linear period-luminosity relationships for these sources using 8 separate infrared bands (J, H, K, 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8.0, and 24 micron) as proxies for the luminosity. We find that the wavelength dependence of the slope of the period-luminosity relationship is different for different photometrically determined classes of AGB stars. Stars photometrically classified as O-rich show the least variation of slope with wavelength, while dust enshrouded extreme AGB stars show a pronounced trend toward steeper slopes with increasing wavelength. We find that O-rich AGB stars pulsating in the fundamental mode obey a period-magnitude relation with a slope of -3.41 +/- 0.04 when magnitude is measured in the 3.6 micron band, in contrast to C-rich AGB stars, which obey a relation of slope -3.77 +/- 0.05.
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