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Optical and Near-IR long-term monitoring of NGC3783 and MR2251-178: evidence for variable near-IR emission from thin accretion discs

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 Added by Paulina Lira
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present long term near-IR light curves for two nearby AGN: NGC3783 and MR2251-178. The near-IR data are complemented with optical photometry obtained over the same period of time. The light curves in all bands are highly variable and good correlations can be seen between optical and NIR variations. Cross-correlation analysis for NGC 3783 suggests that some disc near-IR emission is present in the J-band flux, while the H and K-bands are dominated by emission from a torus located at the dust sublimation radius. For MR2251-178 the cross-correlation analysis and the optical-near-IR flux-flux plots suggest that the near-IR flux is dominated by disc emission. We model the optical to near-IR Spectral Energy Distributions (SED) of both sources and find that disc flaring might be a necessary modification to the geometry of a thin disc in order to explain the observations. The SED of MR2251-178 gives some indications for the presence of NIR emission from a torus. Finally, we consider the implications of the standard alpha disc model to explain the different origin of the variable NIR emission in these AGN.

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110 - Takafumi Kamizuka 2020
Non-variable OH/IR stars are thought to have just left the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase. In this conventional picture, they must still show strong circumstellar extinction caused by the dust ejected during the AGB phase, and the extinction is expected to decrease over time because of the dispersal of the circumstellar dust after the cessation of the stellar mass loss. The reduction of the extinction makes the stars become apparently brighter and bluer with time especially in the near-infrared (NIR) range. We look for such long-term brightening of non-variable OH/IR stars by using 2MASS, UKIDSS, and OAOWFC survey data. As a result, we get multi-epoch NIR data taken over a 20-year period (1997-2017) for 6 of 16 non-variable OH/IR stars, and all six objects are found to be brightening. The K-band brightening rate of five objects ranges from 0.010 to 0.130 mag yr$^{-1}$, which is reasonably explained with the conventional picture. However, one OH/IR star, OH31.0-0.2, shows a rapid brightening, which cannot be explained only by the dispersal of the dust shell. Multi-color (J-, H-, and K-band) data are obtained for three objects, OH25.1-0.3, OH53.6-0.2, and OH77.9+0.2. Surprisingly, none of them appears to have become bluer, and OH53.6-0.2 is found to have been reddened with a rate of 0.013 mag yr$^{-1}$ in (J-K). Our findings suggest other mechanisms such as rapid changes in stellar properties (temperature or luminosity) or a generation of a new batch of dust grains.
439 - Ye Cao , Yan Gong , Dezi Liu 2021
Anisotropies of the cosmic optical background (COB) and cosmic near-IR background (CNIRB) are capable of addressing some of the key questions in cosmology and astrophysics. In this work, we measure and analyze the angular power spectra of the simulated COB and CNIRB in the ultra-deep field of the China Space Station Telescope (CSST-UDF). The CSST-UDF covers about 9 square degrees, with magnitude limits ~28.3, 28.2, 27.6, 26.7 for point sources with 5-sigma detection in the r (0.620 um), i (0.760 um), z (0.915 um), and y (0.965 um) bands, respectively. According to the design parameters and scanning pattern of the CSST, we generate mock data, merge images and mask the bright sources in the four bands. We obtain four angular power spectra from l=200 to 2,000,000 (from arcsecond to degree), and fit them with a multi-component model including intrahalo light (IHL) using the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. We find that the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the IHL is larger than 8 over the range of angular scales that are useful for astrophysical studies (l~10,000-400,000). Comparing to previous works, the constraints on the model parameters are improved by factors of 3~4 in this study, which indicates that the CSST-UDF survey can be a powerful probe on the cosmic optical and near-IR backgrounds.
150 - A. Frasca , E. Covino , L. Spezzi 2009
We performed an intensive photometric monitoring of the PMS stars falling in a field of about 10x10 arc-minutes in the vicinity of the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC). Photometric data were collected between November 2006 and January 2007 with the REM telescope in the VRIJHK bands. The largest number of observations is in the I band (about 2700 images) and in J and H bands (about 500 images in each filter). From the observed rotational modulation, induced by the presence of surface inhomogeneities, we derived the rotation periods for 16 stars and improved previous determinations for the other 13. The analysis of the spectral energy distributions and, for some stars, of high-resolution spectra provided us with the main stellar parameters (luminosity, effective temperature, mass, age, and vsini). We also report the serendipitous detection of two strong flares in two of these objects. In most cases, the light-curve amplitudes decrease progressively from the R to H band as expected for cool starspots, while in a few cases, they can only be modelled by the presence of hot spots, presumably ascribable to magnetospheric accretion. The application of our own spot model to the simultaneous light curves in different bands allowed us to deduce the spot parameters and particularly to disentangle the spot temperature and size effects on the observed light curves.
220 - P. Lira , P. Arevalo , P. Uttley 2015
We present long term monitoring of MCG-6-30-15 in X-rays, optical and near-IR wavelengths, collected over five years of monitoring. We determine the power spectrum density of all the observed bands and show that after taking into account the host contamination similar power is observed in the optical and near-IR bands. There is evidence for a correlation between the light curves of the X-ray photon flux and the optical B-band, but it is not possible to determine a lag with certainty, with the most likely value being around zero days. Strong correlation is seen between the optical and near-IR bands. Cross correlation analysis shows some complex probability distributions and lags that range from 10 to 20 days, with the near-IR following the optical variations. Filtering the light curves in frequency space shows that the strongest correlations are those corresponding to the shortest time-scales. We discuss the nature of the X-ray variability and conclude that this is intrinsic and cannot be accounted for by absorption episodes due to material intervening in the line of sight. It is also found that the lags agree with the relation tau ~ lambda^(4/3), as expected for an optically thick geometrically thin accretion disc, although for a larger disc than that predicted by the estimated black hole mass and accretion rate in MCG-6-30-15. The cross correlation analysis suggests that the torus is located at ~20 light-days from the central source and at most at ~50 light-days from the central region. This implies an AGN bolometric luminosity of ~3x10^(43) ergs/s/cm-2.
We announce the initial release of data from the Ohio State University Bright Spiral Galaxy Survey, a BVRJHK imaging survey of a well-defined sample of 205 bright, nearby spiral galaxies. We present H-band morphological classification on the Hubble sequence for the OSU Survey sample. We compare the H-band classification to B-band classification from our own images and from standard galaxy catalogs. Our B-band classifications match well with those of the standard catalogs. On average, galaxies with optical classifications from Sa through Scd appear about one T-type earlier in the H-band than in the B-band, but with large scatter. This result does not support recent claims made in the literature that the optical and near-IR morphologies of spiral galaxies are uncorrelated. We present detailed descriptions of the H-band morphologies of our entire sample, as well as B- and H-band images for a set of 17 galaxies chosen as type examples, and BRH color-composite images of six galaxies chosen to demonstrate the range in morphological variation as a function of wavelength. Data from the survey are accessible at
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