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Black Holes as Rubiks Cubes

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 Added by Moshe Rozali
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We propose a unitary toy model of black hole evaporation, in which the entanglement between the interior and exterior degrees of freedom vanishes at late times. Our model possesses the information-free property and satisfies the niceness conditions discussed in the literature. A key feature of the model is that the Hilbert space of black hole internal states contains a vacuum state corresponding to the completely evaporated black hole, which can be reached from any initial state via the Hawking process. Our model suggests a novel quantum cosmological way in which information can get out of an evaporating black hole.

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The paper at hand studies the heat engine provided by black holes in the presence of massive gravity. The main motivation is to investigate the effects of massive gravity on different properties of the heat engine. It will be shown that massive gravity parameters and gravitons mass modify the efficiency of engine on a significant level. Furthermore, it will be shown that it is possible to have the heat engine for non-spherical black holes in massive gravity and we study the effects of topological factor on properties of the heat engine. Surprisingly, it will be shown that the highest efficiency for the heat engine belongs to black holes with hyperbolic horizon, while the lowest one belongs to spherical black holes.
We conjecture a general upper bound on the strength of gravity relative to gauge forces in quantum gravity. This implies, in particular, that in a four-dimensional theory with gravity and a U(1) gauge field with gauge coupling g, there is a new ultraviolet scale Lambda=g M_{Pl}, invisible to the low-energy effective field theorist, which sets a cutoff on the validity of the effective theory. Moreover, there is some light charged particle with mass smaller than or equal to Lambda. The bound is motivated by arguments involving holography and absence of remnants, the (in) stability of black holes as well as the non-existence of global symmetries in string theory. A sharp form of the conjecture is that there are always light elementary electric and magnetic objects with a mass/charge ratio smaller than the corresponding ratio for macroscopic extremal black holes, allowing extremal black holes to decay. This conjecture is supported by a number of non-trivial examples in string theory. It implies the necessary presence of new physics beneath the Planck scale, not far from the GUT scale, and explains why some apparently natural models of inflation resist an embedding in string theory.
We propose a correspondence between an Anyon Van der Waals fluid and a (2+1) dimensional AdS black hole. Anyons are particles with intermediate statistics that interpolates between a Fermi-Dirac statistics and a Bose-Einstein one. A parameter $alpha$ ($0<alpha<1$) characterizes this intermediate statistics of Anyons. The equation of state for the Anyon Van der Waals fluid shows that it has a quasi Fermi-Dirac statistics for $alpha > alpha_c$, but a quasi Bose-Einstein statistics for $alpha< alpha_c$. By defining a general form of the metric for the (2+1) dimensional AdS black hole and considering the temperature of the black hole to be equal with that of the Anyon Van der Waals fluid, we construct the exact form of the metric for a (2+1) dimensional AdS black hole. The thermodynamic properties of this black hole is consistent with those of the Anyon Van der Waals fluid. For $alpha< alpha_c$, the solution exhibits a quasi Bose-Einstein statistics. For $alpha > alpha_c$ and a range of values of the cosmological constant, there is, however, no event horizon so there is no black hole solution. Thus, for these values of cosmological constants, the AdS Anyon Van der Waals black holes have only quasi Bose-Einstein statistics.
We study rotating global AdS solutions in five-dimensional Einstein gravity coupled to a multiplet complex scalar within a cohomogeneity-1 ansatz. The onset of the gravitational and scalar field superradiant instabilities of the Myers-Perry-AdS black hole mark bifurcation points to black resonators and hairy Myers-Perry-AdS black holes, respectively. These solutions are subject to the other (gravitational or scalar) instability, and result in hairy black resonators which contain both gravitational and scalar hair. The hairy black resonators have smooth zero-horizon limits that we call graviboson stars. In the hairy black resonator and graviboson solutions, multiple scalar components with different frequencies are excited, and hence these are multioscillating solutions. The phase structure of the solutions are examined in the microcanonical ensemble, i.e. at fixed energy and angular momenta. It is found that the entropy of the hairy black resonator is never the largest among them. We also find that hairy black holes with higher scalar wavenumbers are entropically dominant and occupy more of phase space than those of lower wavenumbers.
165 - M.H. Dehghani , R. Pourhasan , 2011
We investigate modifications of the Lifshitz black hole solutions due to the presence of Maxwell charge in higher dimensions for arbitrary $z$ and any topology. We find that the behaviour of large black holes is insensitive to the topology of the solutions, whereas for small black holes significant differences emerge. We generalize a relation previously obtained for neutral Lifshitz black branes, and study more generally the thermodynamic relationship between energy, entropy, and chemical potential. We also consider the effect of Maxwell charge on the effective potential between objects in the dual theory.
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