Relativistic separable interaction kernel of the neutron-proton system with inelasticities

Abstract in English

Within a covariant Bethe-Salpeter approach, the relativistic complex separable neutron-proton interaction kernel is proposed. The uncoupled partial-wave states with the total angular momentum $J$=0,1 are considered. The multirank separable potentials elaborated earlier are real-valued and, therefore, enable to describe the elastic part (phase shifts, low-energy parameters, etc.) of the scattering only. The description of the inelasticity parameter comes out of the imaginary part introduced into them. To obtain parameters of the complex potentials the elastic neutron-proton scattering experimental data up to 3 GeV are used. A signal of dybaryon resonances in the $^3P_0^+$ partial-wave state is discussed.
