Resolving the Sub-AU-Scale Gas and Dust Distribution in FU Orionis Sources

Abstract in English

We present Keck Interferometer observations of the three prototypical FU Orionis stars, FU Ori, V1057 Cyg, and V1515 Cyg. With a spatial resolution of a few milli-arcseconds and a spectral resolution of 2000, our near-infrared observations spatially resolve gas and dust emission extending from stellocentric radii of ~0.05 AU to several AU. We fit these data with accretion disk models where each stellocentric radius of the disk is represented by a supergiant-type stellar emission spectrum at the disk temperature. A disk model is consistent with the data for FU Ori, although we require some local asymmetry in the disk. For V1057 Cyg the disk model does not fit our data well, especially compared to the fit quality achieved for FU Ori. We speculate that a disk wind may be contributing substantially to the observed near-IR emission in this source. The data for V1515 Cyg are noisier than the data obtained for the other two objects, and do not strongly constrain the validity of an accretion disk model.
