Nonlinear properties and stabilities of polaritonic crystals beyond the low-excitation-density limit

Abstract in English

Coherent properties of a two dimensional spatially periodic structure - polaritonic crystal (PolC) formed by trapped two-level atoms in an optical cavity array interacting with a light field, are analyzed. By considering the wave function overlapping both for photonic and atomic states, a cubic-quintic complex nonlinear Schrodinger equation (CNLSE) is derived for the dynamics of coupled atom-light states - wave function of low branch (LB) polaritons, associated with PolC in the continuous limit. The variational approach predicts that a stable ground state wave function of PolC exists but is accompanied by an oscillating width. For a negative scattering length, the wave function collapses in the presence of a small quintic nonlinearity appear due to a three body polariton interaction. Studying non-equilibrium (dissipative) dynamics of polaritons with adiabatic approximation we have shown that the collapse of PolC wave function can be prevented even in the presence of small decaying of a number of polariton particles.
