Near-Contemporaneous Optical Spectroscopic and Infrared Photometric Observations of Candidate Herbig Ae/Be Stars in the Magellanic Clouds

Abstract in English

We present near-IR (J,H,Ks) photometry for 27 of the 28 candidate Herbig Ae/Be stars in the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds identified via the EROS1 and EROS2 surveys as well as near-contemporaneous optical (H-alpha) spectroscopy for 21 of these 28 candidates. Our observations extend previous efforts to determine the evolutionary status of these objects. We compare the IR brightness and colors of a subset of our sample with archival ground-based IR data and find evidence of statistically significant photometric differences for ELHC 5, 7, 12, 18, and 21 in one or more filter. In all cases, these near-IR photometric variations exhibit a grey color as compared to earlier epoch data. The ~1 magnitude IR brightening and minimal change in the H-alpha emission strength we observe in ELHC 7 is consistent with previous claims that it is a UX Ori type HAe/Be star, which is occasionally obscurred by dust clouds. We also detect a ~1 magnitude IR brightening of ELHC 12, but find little evidence of a similar large-scale change in its H-alpha line strength, suggesting that its behavior could also be caused by a UX Ori-like event. The ~0.5 magnitude IR variability we observe for ELHC 21, which also exhibited little evidence of a change in its H-alpha emission strength, could conceivably be caused by a major recent enhancement in the density of the inner disk region of a classical Be star. We also report the first near-IR photometry for two ESHC stars and the first H-alpha spectroscopy for one ELHC and five ESHC stars. Although H-alpha emission is detected in all of these new observations, they do not exhibit a strong near-IR excess. It is therefore possible that many of these objects may be classical Be stars rather than Herbig Ae/Be stars.
