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Let G be a split reductive group. We introduce the moduli problem of bundle chains parametrizing framed principal G-bundles on chains of lines. Any fan supported in a Weyl chamber determines a stability condition on bundle chains. Its moduli stack provides an equivariant toroidal compactification of G. All toric orbifolds may be thus obtained. Moreover, we get a canonical compactification of any semisimple G, which agrees with the wonderful compactification in the adjoint case, but which in other cases is an orbifold. Finally, we describe the connections with Losev-Manins spaces of weighted pointed curves and with Kauszs compactification of GL(n).
Let LG be an algebraic loop group associated to a reductive group G. A fundamental stratum is a triple consisting of a point x in the Bruhat-Tits building of LG, a nonnegative real number r, and a character of the corresponding depth r Moy-Prasad subgroup that satisfies a non-degeneracy condition. The authors have shown in previous work how to associate a fundamental stratum to a formal flat G-bundle and used this theory to define its slope. In this paper, the authors study fundamental strata that satisfy an additional regular semisimplicity condition. Flat G-bundles that contain regular strata have a natural reduction of structure to a (not necessarily split) maximal torus in LG, and the authors use this property to compute the corresponding moduli spaces. This theory generalizes a natural condition on algebraic connections (the GL_n case), which plays an important role in the global analysis of meromorphic connections and isomonodromic deformations.
Let $X$ be a compact connected Riemann surface of genus at least two. Let $M_H(r,d)$ denote the moduli space of semistable Higgs bundles on $X$ of rank $r$ and degree $d$. We prove that the compact complex Bohr-Sommerfeld Lagrangians of $M_H(r,d)$ are precisely the irreducible components of the nilpotent cone in $M_H(r,d)$. This generalizes to Higgs $G$-bundles and also to the parabolic Higgs bundles.
In this paper, we obtain parametrizations of the moduli space of principal bundles over a compact Riemann surface using spaces of Hecke modifications in several cases. We begin with a discussion of Hecke modifications for principal bundles and give constructions of universal Hecke modifications of a fixed bundle of fixed type. This is followed by an overview of the construction of the wonderful, or De Concini--Procesi, compactification of a semi-simple algebraic group of adjoint type. The compactification plays an important role in the deformation theory used in constructing the parametrizations. A general outline to construct parametrizations is given and verifications for specific structure groups are carried out.
The moduli space of stable vector bundles on a Riemann surface is smooth when the rank and degree are coprime, and is diffeomorphic to the space of unitary connections of central constant curvature. A classic result of Newstead and Atiyah-Bott asserts that its rational cohomology ring is generated by the universal classes, that is, by the Kunneth components of the Chern classes of the universal bundle. This paper studies the larger, non-compact moduli space of Higgs bundles, as introduced by Hitchin and Simpson, with values in the canonical bundle K. This is diffeomorphic to the space of all connections of central constant curvature, whether unitary or not. The main result of the paper is that, in the rank 2 case, the rational cohomology ring of this space is again generated by universal classes. The spaces of Higgs bundles with values in K(n) for n > 0 turn out to be essential to the story. Indeed, we show that their direct limit has the homotopy type of the classifying space of the gauge group, and hence has cohomology generated by universal classes. A companion paper treats the problem of finding relations between these generators in the rank 2 case.
The moduli space of stable bundles of rank 2 and degree 1 on a Riemann surface has rational cohomology generated by the so-called universal classes. The work of Baranovsky, King-Newstead, Siebert-Tian and Zagier provided a complete set of relations between these classes, expressed in terms of a recursion in the genus. This paper accomplishes the same thing for the non-compact moduli spaces of Higgs bundles, in the sense of Hitchin and Simpson. There are many more independent relations than for stable bundles, but in a sense the answer is simpler, since the formulas are completely explicit, not recursive. The results of Kirwan on equivariant cohomology for holomorphic circle actions are of key importance. Together, Parts I and II describe the cohomology rings of spaces of rank 2 Higgs bundles at essentially the same level of detail as is known for stable bundles.