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Heavy Element Dispersion in the Metal-Poor Globular Cluster M92

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 Added by Ian Roederer
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Dispersion among the light elements is common in globular clusters (GCs), while dispersion among heavier elements is less common. We present detection of r-process dispersion relative to Fe in 19 red giants of the metal-poor GC M92. Using spectra obtained with the Hydra multi-object spectrograph on the WIYN Telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory, we derive differential abundances for 21 species of 19 elements. The Fe-group elements, plus Y and Zr, are homogeneous at a level of 0.07-0.16 dex. The heavy elements La, Eu, and Ho exhibit clear star-to-star dispersion spanning 0.5-0.8 dex. The abundances of these elements are correlated with one another, and we demonstrate that they were produced by r-process nucleosynthesis. This r-process dispersion is not correlated with the dispersion in C, N, or Na in M92, indicating that r-process inhomogeneities were present in the gas throughout star formation. The r-process dispersion is similar to that previously observed in the metal-poor GC M15, but its origin in M15 or M92 is unknown at present.

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204 - Judith G. Cohen 2011
Although there have been recent claims that there is a large dispersion in the abundances of the heavy neutron capture elements in the old Galactic globular cluster M92, we show that the measured dispersion for the absolute abundances of four of the rare earth elements within a sample of 12 luminous red giants in M92 (less than or equal to 0.07 dex) does not exceed the relevant sources of uncertainty. As expected from previous studies, the heavy elements show the signature of the r-process. Their abundance ratios are essentially identical to those of M30, another nearby globular cluster of similar metallicity.
We present new number density and surface brightness profiles for the globular cluster M92 (NGC 6341). These profiles are calculated from optical images collected with the CCD mosaic camera MegaCam at the Canada-France-Hawaii-Telescope and with the Advanced Camera for Surveys on the Hubble Space Telescope. The ground-based data were supplemented with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey photometric catalog. Special care was taken to discriminate candidate cluster stars from field stars and to subtract the background contamination from both profiles. By examining the contour levels of the number density, we found that the stellar distribution becomes clumpy at radial distances larger than about 13 arcminutes, and there is no preferred orientation of contours in space. We performed detailed fits of King and Wilson models to the observed profiles. The best-fit models underestimate the number density inside the core radius. Wilson models better represent the observations, in particular in the outermost cluster regions: the good global agreement of these models with the observations suggests that there is no need to introduce an extra-tidal halo to explain the radial distribution of stars at large radial distances. The best-fit models for the number density and the surface brightness profiles are different, even though they are based on the same observations. Additional tests support the evidence that this fact reflects the difference in the radial distribution of the stellar tracers that determine the observed profiles (main sequence stars for the number density, bright evolved stars for the surface brightness).
Sagittarius (Sgr) is a massive disrupted dwarf spheroidal galaxy in the Milky Way halo that has undergone several stripping events. Previous chemical studies were restricted mainly to a few, metal- rich ([Fe/H]~ -1) stars that suggested a top-light i nitial mass function (IMF). Here we present the first high-resolution, very metal-poor ([Fe/H]=-1 to -3) sample of 13 giant stars in the main body of Sgr. We derive abundances of 13 elements namely C, Ca, Co, Fe, Sr, Ba, La, Ce, Nd, Eu, Dy, Pb, and Th which challenge the interpretation based on previous studies. Our abundances from Sgr mimic those of the metal-poor halo and our most metal-poor star ([Fe/H]~ -3) indicates a pure r-process pollution. Abundances of Sr, Pb, and Th are presented for the first time in Sgr, allowing for age determination using nuclear cosmochronology. We calculate ages of 9$pm$2.5 Gyr. Most of the sample stars have been enriched by a range of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars with masses between 1.3 and 5 M$_{odot}$. Sgr J190651.47-320147.23 shows a large overabundance of Pb (2.05dex) and a peculiar abundance pattern best fit by a 3 M$_{odot}$ AGB star. Based on star-to-star scatter and observed abundance patterns a mixture of low- and high-mass AGB stars and supernovae (15-25 M$_{odot}$) are necessary to explain these patterns. The high level (0.29$pm$0.05 dex) of Ca indicates that massive supernovae must have existed and polluted the early ISM of Sgr before it lost its gas. This result is in contrast with a top-light IMF with no massive stars polluting Sgr.
NGC 6229 is a relatively massive outer halo globular cluster that is primarily known for exhibiting a peculiar bimodal horizontal branch morphology. Given the paucity of spectroscopic data on this cluster, we present a detailed chemical composition analysis of 11 red giant branch members based on high resolution (R ~ 38,000), high S/N (> 100) spectra obtained with the MMT-Hectochelle instrument. We find the cluster to have a mean heliocentric radial velocity of -138.1$_{-1.0}^{+1.0}$ km s$^{rm -1}$, a small dispersion of 3.8$_{-0.7}^{+1.0}$ km s$^{rm -1}$, and a relatively low (M/L$_{rm V}$)$_{rm odot}$ = 0.82$_{-0.28}^{+0.49}$. The cluster is moderately metal-poor with <[Fe/H]> = -1.13 dex and a modest dispersion of 0.06 dex. However, 18% (2/11) of the stars in our sample have strongly enhanced [La,Nd/Fe] ratios that are correlated with a small (~0.05 dex) increase in [Fe/H]. NGC 6229 shares several chemical signatures with M 75, NGC 1851, and the intermediate metallicity populations of omega Cen, which lead us to conclude that NGC 6229 is a lower mass iron-complex cluster. The light elements exhibit the classical (anti-)correlations that extend up to Si, but the cluster possesses a large gap in the O-Na plane that separates first and second generation stars. NGC 6229 also has unusually low [Na,Al/Fe] abundances that are consistent with an accretion origin. A comparison with M 54 and other Sagittarius clusters suggests that NGC 6229 could also be the remnant core of a former dwarf spheroidal galaxy.
Globular Clusters (GCs) in the Milky Way represent the ideal laboratory to establish the age of the oldest stellar populations and to measure the color-magnitude relation of stars. Infrared (IR) photometry of these objects provides a new opportunity to accomplish this task. In particular, at low stellar masses, the stellar main sequence (MS) in an IR color-magnitude diagram (CMD) exhibits a sharp kink (due to opacity effects in M dwarfs), such that lower mass and cooler dwarfs become bluer in the F110W - F160W color baseline and not redder. This inversion of the color-magnitude relation offers the possibility to fit GC properties using IR imaging, and to reduce their uncertainties. Here, we used the IR channel of the Wide Field Camera 3 onboard the Hubble Space Telescope to obtain new, deep high-resolution photometry of the old metal-poor GC NGC6397. From the analysis of the GC CMD, we revealed below the MS kink the presence of two MSs with different chemical composition. We derived the cluster fiducial line and we compared it with a grid of isochrones over a large range of parameter space, allowing age, metallicity, distance and reddening to vary freely within reasonable selected ranges. We derived an age of 12.6 Gyr with a random uncertainty sigma ~ 0.7 Gyr. These results confirm that the analysis of the IR color-magnitude of stars provide a valuable tool to measure the GC ages and offers a new venue to determine their absolute age to sub-Gyr accuracy with next generation IR telescopes.
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