Dielectric screening in two-dimensional insulators: Implications for excitonic and impurity states in graphane

Abstract in English

For atomic thin layer insulating materials we provide an exact analytic form of the two-dimensional screened potential. In contrast to three-dimensional systems where the macroscopic screening can be described by a static dielectric constant in 2D systems the macroscopic screening is non local (q-dependent) showing a logarithmic divergence for small distances and reaching the unscreened Coulomb potential for large distances. The cross-over of these two regimes is dictated by 2D layer polarizability that can be easily computed by standard first-principles techniques. The present results have strong implications for describing gap-impurity levels and also exciton binding energies. The simple model derived here captures the main physical effects and reproduces well, for the case of graphane, the full many-body GW plus Bethe-Salpeter calculations. As an additional outcome we show that the impurity hole-doping in graphane leads to strongly localized states, what hampers applications in electronic devices. In spite of the inefficient and nonlocal two-dimensional macroscopic screening we demonstrate that a simple $mathbf{k}cdotmathbf{p}$ approach is capable to describe the electronic and transport properties of confined 2D systems.
