Bulk and Surface Magnetization of Co atoms in Rutile Ti_[1-x]Co_xO_[2-delta] Thin Films Revealed by X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism

Abstract in English

We have studied magnetism in Ti_[1-x]Co_xO_[2-delta] thin films with various x and delta by soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) measurements at the Co L_[2,3] absorption edges. The estimated ferromagnetic moment by XMCD was 0.15-0.24 mubeta/Co in the surface, while in the bulk it was 0.82-2.25 mubeta/Co, which is in the same range as the saturation magnetization of 1.0-1.5 mubeta/Co. Theseresults suggest that the intrinsic origin of the erromagnetism. The smaller moment of Co atom at surface is an indication of a magnetically dead layer of a few nm thick at the surface of the thin films.
