Investigation of the In-Gap Electronic Structure of LaAlO3 - SrTiO3 Heterointerfaces by Soft X-ray Spectroscopy

Abstract in English

We investigated LAO - STO heterointerfaces grown either in oxygen rich or poor atmosphere by soft x-ray spectroscopy. Resonant photoemission across the Ti L$_{2,3}$ absorption edge of the valence band and Ti 2p core level spectroscopy directly monitor the impact of oxygen treatment upon the electronic structure. Two types of Ti$^{3+}$ related charge carriers are identified. One is located at the Fermi energy and related to the filling of the STO conduction band. It appears for low oxygen pressure only. The other one is centered at E$_{B}$ $approx$ 1 eV and independent of the oxygen pressure during growth. It is probably due to defects. The magnitude of both excitations is comparable. It is shown that low oxygen pressure is detrimental for the Ti - O bonding. Our results shed light on the nature of the charge carriers in the vicinity of the LAO - STO interface.
