The momentum correlation between protons and lambda particles emitted from central Pb+Pb collisions at sqrt(s_{NN}) = 17.3 GeV was studied by the NA49 experiment at the CERN SPS. A clear enhancement is observed for small relative momenta (q_{inv} < 0.2 GeV). By fitting a theoretical model, which uses the strong interaction between the proton and the lambda in a given pair, to the measured data a value for the effective source size is deduced. Assuming a static Gaussian source distribution we derive an effective radius parameter of R_G = 3.02 pm 0.20$(stat.)^{+0.44}_{-0.16}(syst.) fm.
Kaons and protons carry large parts of two conserved quantities, strangeness and baryon number. It is argued that their correlation and thus also fluctuations are sensitive to conditions prevailing at the anticipated parton-hadron phase boundary. Fluctuations of the $(mathrm{K}^+ + mathrm{K}^-)/(mathrm{p}+bar{mathrm{p}})$ and $mathrm{K}^+/mathrm{p}$ ratios have been measured for the first time by NA49 in central Pb+Pb collisions at 5 SPS energies between $sqrt{s_{NN}}$= 6.3 GeV and 17.3 GeV. Both ratios exhibit a change of sign in $sigma_{mathrm{dyn}}$, a measure of non-statistical fluctuations, around $sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 8 GeV. Below this energy, $sigma_{mathrm{dyn}}$ is positive, indicating higher fluctuation compared to a mixed event background sample, while for higher energies, $sigma_{mathrm{dyn}}$ is negative, indicating correlated emission of kaons and protons. The results are compared to UrQMD calculations which which give a good description at the higher SPS energies, but fail to reproduce the transition to positive values.
There is event by event geometric as well as quantum fluctuations in the initial condition of heavy-ion collisions. The standard technique of analysing heavy-ion collisions in bins of centrality obtained from final state multiplicity averages out the various initial configurations and thus restricts the study to only a limited range of initial conditions. In this paper, we propose an additional binning in terms of total spectator neutrons in an event. This offers us a key control parameter to probe events with broader range of initial conditions providing us an opportunity to peep into events with rarer initial conditions which otherwise get masked when analysed by centrality binning alone. We find that the inclusion of spectator binning allows one to vary $varepsilon_2$ and $varepsilon_3$ independently. We observe that the standard scaling relation between $displaystyle{v_2/varepsilon_2}$ and $frac{1}{S}frac{dN_{text{ch}}}{deta}$ exhibited by centrality bins is broken by the spectator neutron bins. However, the acoustic scaling relation between $displaystyle{lnleft( v_n/varepsilon_nright)}$ and transverse system size holds for both centrality as well as spectator bins for central to mid-central collisions. The introduction of the spectator binning allows us to tune over a wide range viscosity driven effects for events with varying initial states but similar final state multiplicity.
Separation of charges along the extreme magnetic field created in non-central relativistic heavy--ion collisions is predicted to be a signature of local parity violation in strong interactions. We report on results for charge dependent two particle azimuthal correlations with respect to the reaction plane for Pb--Pb collisions at $sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76$ TeV recorded in 2010 with ALICE at the LHC. The results are compared with measurements at RHIC energies and against currently available model predictions for LHC. Systematic studies of possible background effects including comparison with conventional (parity-even) correlations simulated with Monte Carlo event generators of heavy--ion collisions are also presented.
A simple approach based on the separation of wounded nucleons in an A-A collision in two categories, those suffering single collisions - corona and the rest - core, estimated within a Glauber Monte-Carlo approach, explains the centrality dependence of the light flavor hadrons production in Pb-Pb collisions at $sqrt{s_{NN}}$=2.76 TeV. The core contribution does not include any dependence of any process on the fireball shape as a function of the impact parameter. Therefore, the ratios of the $p_T$ distributions to the one corresponding to the minimum bias pp collisions at the same energy, each of them normalised to the corresponding charged particle density, the $langle p_Trangle$ and transverse energy per unit of rapidity are reproduced less accurate by such an approach. The results show that the corona contribution plays an important role also at LHC energies and it has to be considered in order to evidence the centrality dependence of different observables related to the core properties and dynamics.
We predict the elliptic flow parameter v_2 in U+U collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV and in Pb+Pb collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV using a hybrid model in which the evolution of the quark gluon plasma is described by ideal hydrodynamics with a state-of-the-art lattice QCD equation of state, and the subsequent hadronic stage by a hadron cascade model.