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Two-band model of Raman scattering on iron pnictide superconductors

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 Added by Cheng Shi Liu
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Based on a two-band model, we study the electronic Raman scattering intensity in both normal and superconducting states of iron-pnictide superconductors. For the normal state, due to the match or mismatch of the symmetries between band hybridization and Raman vertex, it is predicted that overall $B_{1g}$ Raman intensity should be much weaker than that of the $B_{2g}$ channel. Moreover, in the non-resonant regime, there should exhibit a interband excitation peak at frequency $omegasimeq 7.3 t_1 (6.8t_1)$ in the $B_{1g}$ ($B_{2g}$) channel. For the superconducting state, it is shown that $beta$-band contributes most to the $B_{2g}$ Raman intensity as a result of multiple effects of Raman vertex, gap symmetry, and Fermi surface topology. Both extended $s$- and $d_{xy}$-wave pairings in the unfolded BZ can give a good description to the reported $B_{2g}$ Raman data [Muschler {em et al.}, Phys. Rev. B. {bf 80}, 180510 (2009).], while $d_{x^2-y^2}$-wave pairing in the unfolded BZ seems to be ruled out.

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233 - A. M. Zhang , Q. M. Zhang 2012
Iron-based superconducting layered compounds have the second highest transition temperature after cuprate superconductors. Their discovery is a milestone in the history of high-temperature superconductivity and will have profound implications for high-temperature superconducting mechanism as well as industrial applications. Raman scattering has been extensively applied to correlated electron systems including the new superconductors due to its unique ability to probe multiple primary excitations and their coupling. In this review, we will give a brief summary of the existing Raman experiments in the iron-based materials and their implication for pairing mechanism in particular. And we will also address some open issues from the experiments.
Insight into the electronic structure of the pnictide family of superconductors is obtained from quantum oscillation measurements. Here we review experimental quantum oscillation data that reveal a transformation from large quasi-two dimensional electron and hole cylinders in the paramagnetic overdoped members of the pnictide family to significantly smaller three-dimensional Fermi surface sections in the antiferromagnetic parent members, via a potential quantum critical point at which an effective mass enhancement is observed. Similarities with the Fermi surface evolution from the overdoped to the underdoped normal state of the cuprate superconducting family are discussed, along with the enhancement in antiferromagnetic correlations in both these classes of materials, and the potential implications for superconductivity.
We report Raman scattering measurement of charge nematic fluctuations in the tetragonal phase of BaFe$_2$As$_2$ and Sr(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_x$)$_2$As$_2$ (x=0.04) single crystals. In both systems, the observed nematic fluctuations are found to exhibit divergent Curie-Weiss like behavior with very similar characteristic temperature scales, indicating a universal tendency towards charge nematic order in 122 iron-based superconductors.
Iron-based superconductivity develops near an antiferromagnetic order and out of a bad metal normal state, which has been interpreted as originating from a proximate Mott transition. Whether an actual Mott insulator can be realized in the phase diagram of the iron pnictides remains an open question. Here we use transport, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and neutron scattering to demonstrate that NaFe$_{1-x}$Cu$_x$As near $xapprox 0.5$ exhibits real space Fe and Cu ordering, and are antiferromagnetic insulators with the insulating behavior persisting above the Neel temperature, indicative of a Mott insulator. Upon decreasing $x$ from $0.5$, the antiferromagnetic ordered moment continuously decreases, yielding to superconductivity around $x=0.05$. Our discovery of a Mott insulating state in NaFe$_{1-x}$Cu$_x$As thus makes it the only known Fe-based material in which superconductivity can be smoothly connected to the Mott insulating state, highlighting the important role of electron correlations in the high-$T_{rm c}$ superconductivity.
The experimental transport scattering rate was determined for a wide range of optimally doped transition metal-substituted FeAs-based compounds with the ThCr2Si2 (122) crystal structure. The maximum transition temperature Tc for several Ba-, Sr-, and Ca-based 122 systems follows a universal rate of suppression with increasing scattering rate indicative of a common pair-breaking mechanism. Extraction of standard pair-breaking parameters puts a limit of sim26 K on the maximum Tc for all transition metal-substituted 122 systems, in agreement with experimental observations, and sets a critical scattering rate of 1.5x10^14 s^-1 for the suppression of the superconducting phase. The observed critical scattering rate is much weaker than that expected for a sign-changing order parameter, providing important constraints on the nature of the superconducting gap in the 122 family of iron-based superconductors.
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