Oxygen hyperstoichiometric hexagonal ferrite CaBaFe4O7+delta (delta approx 0.14) : coexistence of ferrimagnetism and spin glass behavior

Abstract in English

An oxygen hyperstoichiometric ferrite CaBaFe4O7+delta (delta approx 0.14) has been synthesized using soft reduction of CaBaFe4O8. Like the oxygen stoichiometric ferrimagnet CaBaFe4O7, this oxide also keeps the hexagonal symmetry (space group: P63mc), and exhibits the same high Curie temperature of 270 K. However, the introduction of extra oxygen into the system weakens the ferrimagnetic interaction significantly at the cost of increased magnetic frustration at low temperature. Moreover, this canonical spin glass (Tg ~ 166 K) exhibits an intriguing cross-over from de Almeida-Thouless type to Gabay-Toulouse type critical line in the field temperature plane above a certain field strength, which can be identified as the anisotropy field. Domain wall pinning is also observed below 110 K. These results are interpreted on the basis of cationic disordering on the iron sites.
