White Light Flare Continuum Observations with ULTRACAM

Abstract in English

We present sub-second, continuous-coverage photometry of three flares on the dM3.5e star, EQ Peg A, using custom continuum filters with WHT/ULTRACAM. These data provide a new view of flare continuum emission, with each flare exhibiting a very distinct light curve morphology. The spectral shape of flare emission for the two large-amplitude flares is compared with synthetic ULTRACAM measurements taken from the spectra during the large megaflare event on a similar type flare star. The white light shape during the impulsive phase of the EQ Peg flares is consistent with the range of colors derived from the megaflare continuum, which is known to contain a Hydrogen recombination component and compact, blackbody-like components. Tentative evidence in the ULTRACAM photometry is found for an anti-correlation between the emission of these components.
