Dual linearized gravity in D=6 coupled to a purely spin-two field of mixed symmetry (2,2)

Abstract in English

Under the hypotheses of analyticity, locality, Lorentz covariance, and Poincare invariance of the deformations, combined with the requirement that the interaction vertices contain at most two spatiotemporal derivatives of the fields, we investigate the consistent interactions between a single massless tensor field with the mixed symmetry (3,1) and one massless tensor field with the mixed symmetry (2,2). The computations are done with the help of the deformation theory based on a cohomological approach, in the context of the antifield-BRST formalism. Our result is that dual linearized gravity in D=6 gets coupled to a purely spin-two field with the mixed symmetry of the Riemann tensor such that both the gauge transformations and first-order reducibility relations in the (3,1) sector are changed, but not the gauge algebra.
