Evidence for gravitational quadrupole moment variations in the companion of PSR J2051-0827

Abstract in English

We have conducted radio timing observations of the eclipsing millisecond binary pulsar J2051-0827 with the European Pulsar Timing Array network of telescopes and the Parkes radio telescope, spanning over 13 years. The increased data span allows significant measurements of the orbital eccentricity, e = (6.2 {pm} 1.3) {times} 10^{-5} and composite proper motion, {mu}_t = 7.3 {pm} 0.4 mas/yr. Our timing observations have revealed secular variations of the projected semi-major axis of the pulsar orbit which are much more extreme than those previously published; and of the orbital period of the system. Investigation of the physical mechanisms producing such variations confirm that the variations of the semi-major axis are most probably caused by classical spin-orbit coupling in the binary system, while the variations in orbital period are most likely caused by tidal dissipation leading to changes in the gravitational quadrupole moment of the companion.
