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Hadron-quark phase transition in asymmetric matter with dynamical quark masses

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 Added by Massimo Di Toro
 Publication date 2011
and research's language is English

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The two-Equation of State (EoS) model is used to describe the hadron-quark phase transition in asymmetric matter formed at high density in heavy-ion collisions. For the quark phase, the three-flavor Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL) effective theory is used to investigate the influence of dynamical quark mass effects on the phase transition. At variance to the MIT-Bag results, with fixed current quark masses, the main important effect of the chiral dynamics is the appearance of an End-Point for the coexistence zone. We show that a first order hadron-quark phase transition may take place in the region T=(50-80)MeV and rho_B=(2-4)rho_0, which is possible to be probed in the new planned facilities, such as FAIR at GSI-Darmstadt and NICA at JINR-Dubna. From isospin properties of the mixed phase somepossible signals are suggested. The importance of chiral symmetry and dynamical quark mass on the hadron-quark phase transition is stressed. The difficulty of an exact location of Critical-End-Point comes from its appearance in a region of competition between chiral symmetry breaking and confinement, where our knowledge of effective QCD theories is still rather uncertain.

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Physics aspects of a JINR project to reach the planned 5A GeV energy for the Au and U beams and to increase the bombarding energy up to 10A GeV are discussed. The project aims to search for a possible formation of a strongly interacting mixed quark-hadron phase. The relevant problems are exemplified. A need for scanning heavy-ion interactions in bombarding energy, collision centrality and isospin asymmetry is emphasized.
Hadronic matter undergoes a deconfinement transition to quark matter at high temperature and/or high density. It would be realized in collapsing cores of massive stars. In the framework of MIT bag model, the ambiguities of the interaction are encapsulated in the bag constant. Some progenitor stars that invoke the core collapses explode as supernovae, and other ones become black holes. The fates of core collapses are investigated for various cases. Equations of state including the hadron-quark phase transition are constructed for the cases of the bag constant B=90, 150 and 250 MeV fm^{-3}. To describe the mixed phase, the Gibbs condition is used. Adopting the equations of state with different bag constants, the core collapse simulations are performed for the progenitor models with 15 and 40Msolar. If the bag constant is small as B=90 MeV fm^{-3}, an interval between the bounce and black hole formation is shortened drastically for the model with 40Msolar and the second bounce revives the shock wave leading to explosion for the model with 15Msolar.
We construct the nuclear and quark matter equations of state at zero temperature in an effective quark theory (the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model), and discuss the phase transition between them. The nuclear matter equation of state is based on the quark-diquark description of the single nucleon, while the quark matter equation of state includes the effects of scalar diquark condensation (color superconductivity). The effect of diquark condensation on the phase transition is discussed in detail.
189 - S. Schramm , J. Steinheimer 2011
We present a general approach to incorporate hadronic as well as quark degrees of freedom in a unified approach. This approach implements the correct degrees of freedom at high as well as low temperatures and densities. An effective Polyakov loop field serves as the order parameter for deconfinement. We employ a well-tested hadronic flavor-SU(3) model based on a chirally symmetric formulation that reproduces properties of ground state nuclear matter and yields good descriptions of nuclei and hypernuclei. Excluded volume effects simulating the finite size of the hadrons drive the transition to quarks at high temperatures and densities. We study the phase structure of the model and the transition to the quark gluon plasma and compare results to lattice gauge calculations.
We investigate the hadron production from the vortical quark-gluon plasma created in heavy-ion collisions. Based on the quark-coalescence and statistical hadronization models, we show that total hadron yields summed over the spin components are enhanced by the local vorticity with quadratic dependence. The enhancement factor amounts to be a few percent and may be detectable within current experimental sensitivities. We also show that the effect is stronger for hadrons with larger spin, and thus propose a new signature of the local vorticity, which may be detected by the yield ratio of distinct hadron species having different spins such as $phi$ and $eta$. The vorticity dependence of hadron yields seems robust, with consistent predictions in both of the hadron production mechanisms for reasonable values of the vorticity strength estimated for heavy-ion collisions.
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