Word-Induced Measures on Compact Groups

Abstract in English

Consider a group word w in n letters. For a compact group G, w induces a map G^n rightarrow G$ and thus a pushforward measure {mu}_w on G from the Haar measure on G^n. We associate to each word w a 2-dimensional cell complex X(w) and prove in Theorem 2.5 that {mu}_w is determined by the topology of X(w). The proof makes use of non-abelian cohomology and Nielsens classification of automorphisms of free groups [Nie24]. Focusing on the case when X(w) is a surface, we rediscover representation-theoretic formulas for {mu}_w that were derived by Witten in the context of quantum gauge theory [Wit91]. These formulas generalize a result of ErdH{o}s and Turan on the probability that two random elements of a finite group commute [ET68]. As another corollary, we give an elementary proof that the dimension of an irreducible complex representation of a finite group divides the order of the group; the only ingredients are Schurs lemma, basic counting, and a divisibility argument.
