We experimentally demonstrate coherent light scattering from an atomic Mott insulator in a two-dimensional lattice. The far-field diffraction pattern of small clouds of a few hundred atoms was imaged while simultaneously laser cooling the atoms with the probe beams. We describe the position of the diffraction peaks and the scaling of the peak parameters by a simple analytic model. In contrast to Bragg scattering, scattering from a single plane yields diffraction peaks for any incidence angle. We demonstrate the feasibility of detecting spin correlations via light scattering by artificially creating a one-dimensional antiferromagnetic order as a density wave and observing the appearance of additional diffraction peaks.
In condensed-matter physics, electronic Mott insulators have triggered considerable research due to their intricate relation with high-temperature superconductors. However, unlike atomic systems for which Mott phases were recently shown for both bosonic and fermionic species, in the solid-state the fingerprint of a Mott insulator implemented with bosons is yet to be found. Here we unveil such signature by exploring the Bose-Hubbard hamiltonian using semiconductor excitons confined in two-dimensional lattices. We emphasise the regime where on-site interactions are comparable to the energy separation between lattice confined states. We then observe that Mott phases are accessible, with at most two excitons uniformly filling lattice sites. The technology introduced here allows us to program on-demand the geometry of the lattice confining excitons. This versatility, combined with the long-range nature of dipolar interactions between excitons, provide a new route to explore many-body phases spontaneously breaking the lattice symmetry.
We demonstrate many-body multifractality of the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonians ground state in Fock space, for arbitrary values of the interparticle interaction. Generalized fractal dimensions unambiguously signal, even for small system sizes, the emergence of a Mott insulator, that cannot, however, be naively identified with a localized phase in Fock space. We show that the scaling of the derivative of any generalized fractal dimension with respect to the interaction strength encodes the critical point of the superfluid to Mott insulator transition, and provides an efficient way to accurately estimate its position. We further establish that the transition can be quantitatively characterized by one single wavefunction amplitude from the exponentially large Fock space.
We study the Mott phase of three-component bosons, with one particle per site, in an optical lattice by mapping it onto an SU(3) spin model. In the simplest case of full SU(3) symmetry, one obtains a ferromagnetic Heisenberg model. Introducing an SU(3) analog of spin-orbit coupling, additional spin-spin interactions are generated. We first consider the scenario of spin-dependent hopping phases, leading to Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya-type interactions. They result in the formation of spiral spin textures, which in one dimension can be understood by a local unitary transformation. Applying classical Monte Carlo simulations, we extend our study to two-dimensional systems, and systems with true spin-orbit coupling, involving spin-changing hoppings.
Two-dimensional (2D) systems play a special role in many-body physics. Because of thermal fluctuations, they cannot undergo a conventional phase transition associated to the breaking of a continuous symmetry. Nevertheless they may exhibit a phase transition to a state with quasi-long range order via the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) mechanism. A paradigm example is the 2D Bose fluid, such as a liquid helium film, which cannot Bose-condense at non-zero temperature although it becomes superfluid above a critical phase space density. Ultracold atomic gases constitute versatile systems in which the 2D quasi-long range coherence and the microscopic nature of the BKT transition were recently explored. However, a direct observation of superfluidity in terms of frictionless flow is still missing for these systems. Here we probe the superfluidity of a 2D trapped Bose gas with a moving obstacle formed by a micron-sized laser beam. We find a dramatic variation of the response of the fluid, depending on its degree of degeneracy at the obstacle location. In particular we do not observe any significant heating in the central, highly degenerate region if the velocity of the obstacle is below a critical value.
We study quenches across the Bose-Hubbard Mott-insulator-to-superfluid quantum phase transition using an ultra-cold atomic gas trapped in an optical lattice. Quenching from the Mott insulator to superfluid phase is accomplished by continuously tuning the ratio of Hubbard tunneling to interaction energy. Excitations of the condensate formed after the quench are measured using time-of-flight imaging. We observe that the degree of excitation is proportional to the fraction of atoms that cross the phase boundary, and that the quantity of excitations and energy produced during the quench have a power-law dependence on the quench rate. These phenomena suggest an excitation process analogous to the Kibble-Zurek (KZ) mechanism for defect generation in non-equilibrium classical phase transitions.