$B_sto mu^{+}mu^{-}$ the at LHC

Abstract in English

The ATLAS, CMS and LHCb experiments will perform extensive searches for physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM). The investigation of decays of beauty hadrons represents an alternative and complementary approach to the direct BSM searches. A particularly promising observable for the search of New Physics (NP) in $B-$hadron decays, is the measurement of the branching ratio of the decay $B_Sto mu^{+} mu^{-}$. This observable is sensitive to physics BSM with new scalar or pseudoscalar effective operators, such as theories involving an extended Higgs sector. Here the prospects of the ATLAS, CMS and the LHCb experiments for such a measurement are discussed. In particular the LHCb experiment, thanks to its good particle identification and momentum resolution, has the potential for an early discovery of this decay.
