First Detection of Ar-K Line Emission from the Cygnus Loop

Abstract in English

We observed the Cygnus Loop with XMM-Newton (9 pointings) and Suzaku (32 pointings) between 2002 and 2008. The total effective exposure time is 670.2 ks. By using all of the available data, we intended to improve a signal-to-noise ratio of the spectrum. Accordingly, the accumulated spectra obtained by the XIS and the EPIC show some line features around 3 keV that are attributed to the S He$beta$ and Ar He$alpha$ lines, respectively. Since the Cygnus Loop is an evolved ($sim$10,000 yr) supernova remnant whose temperature is relatively low ($<$1 keV) compared with other young remnants, its spectrum is generally faint above 3.0 keV, no emission lines, such as the Ar-K line have ever been detected. The detection of the Ar-K line is the first time and we found that its abundance is significantly higher than that of the solar value; 9.0$^{+4.0}_{-3.8}$ and 8.4$^{+2.5}_{-2.7}$ (in units of solar), estimated from the XIS and the EPIC spectra, respectively. We conclude that the Ar-K line originated from the ejecta of the Cygnus Loop. Follow-up X-ray observations to tightly constrain the abundances of Ar-rich ejecta will be useful to accurately estimate the progenitors mass.
