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Element abundances in the stars of the MILES spectral library: the Mg/Fe ratio

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 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We have obtained [Mg/Fe] measurements for 76.3% of the stars in the MILES spectral library used for understanding stellar atmospheres and stellar populations in galaxies and star clusters. These abundance ratios were obtained through (1) a compilation of values from the literature using abundances from high-resolution spectroscopic studies and (2) a robust spectroscopic analysis using the MILES mid-resolution optical spectra. All the [Mg/Fe] values were carefully calibrated to a single uniform scale, by using an extensive control sample with results from high-resolution spectra. The small average uncertainties in the calibrated [Mg/Fe] values (respectively 0.09 and 0.12 dex with methods (1) and (2)) and the good coverage of the stars with [Mg/Fe] over stellar atmospheric parameter space of the library will permit the building of new simple stellar populations (SSPs) with empirical $alpha$-enhancements. These will be available for a range of [Mg/Fe], including both sub-solar and super-solar values, and for several metallicities and ages. These models will open up new prospects for testing and applications of evolutionary stellar population synthesis.

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139 - A. Milone 2009
We have obtained [Mg/Fe] for around 77% of the stars of the MILES library of stellar spectra in order to include this important information into simple stellar population (SSP) models. The abundance ratios, which were carefully calibrated to a single uniform scale, were obtained through a compilation from high spectral resolution works plus robust spectroscopic analysis at medium resolution. The high resolution data provided an extensive control sample. Average uncertainties (0.06 and 0.12 dex for the high and medium resolution samples respectively) and the good coverage of the stars with [Mg/Fe] over the MILESs parameter space will permit us to semi-empirically build up new SSP models with accurate alpha-enhancements for ages older than 1 Gyr. This will open new prospects for evolutionary stellar population synthesis.
Empirical stellar libraries are extensively used to extract stellar kinematics in galaxies and to build stellar population models. An accurate knowledge of the spectral resolution of these libraries is critical to avoid propagation errors and uncertain estimates of the intrinsic stellar velocity dispersion of galaxies. In this research note we re-assess the spectral resolution of the MILES stellar library and of the stellar population models based on it. This exercise was performed, because of a recent controversy over the exact MILES resolution. We perform our test through the comparison of MILES stellar spectra with three different sets of higher-resolution templates, one fully theoretical - the MARCS library - and two empirical ones, namely the Indo-U.S. and ELODIE v3.1 libraries. The theoretical template has a well-defined very high (R=20000) resolution. Hence errors on this theoretical value do not affect our conclusions. Our approach based on the MARCS library was crucial to constrain the values of the resolution also for the other two empirical templates. We find that the MILES resolution has previously been slightly overestimated. We derive a new spectral resolution of 2.54 A FWHM, instead of the nominal 2.3 A. The reason for this difference is due to an overestimation of the resolution for the Indo-U.S. library that was previously used for estimates of the MILES resolution. For the Indo-U.S. we obtain a new value of 1.35 A FWHM. Most importantly, the results derived from the MARCS and ELODIE libraries are in very good agreement. These results are important for users of the MILES spectra library and for further development of stellar population models aimed to obtain accurate stellar kinematics in galaxies.
Early B-type stars are invaluable indicators for elemental abundances of their birth environments. In contrast to the surrounding neutral interstellar matter (ISM) and HII regions their chemical composition is unaffected by depletion onto dust grains and by the derivation of different abundances from recombination and collisional lines. In combination with ISM or nebular gas-phase abundances they facilitate the dust-phase composition to be constrained. Precise abundances of C, N, Mg, Ne, Fe in early B-type stars in the Orion star-forming region are determined in order to: a) review previous determinations using a self-consistent quantitative spectral analysis based on modern stellar atmospheres and recently updated model atoms, b) complement results found in Paper I for oxygen and silicon, c) establish an accurate and reliable set of stellar metal abundances to constrain the dust-phase composition of the Orion HII region in Paper II of the series. A detailed, self-consistent spectroscopic study of a sample of 13 narrow-lined B0V-B2V stars in Ori OB1 is performed. High-quality spectra obtained with FIES@NOT are analysed using a non-LTE method and line-profile fitting techniques, validating the approach by comparison with results obtained in Paper I using line-blanketed non-LTE model atmospheres and a curve-of-growth analysis. The two independent analysis strategies give consistent results for basic stellar parameters and abundances of oxygen and silicon. The extended analysis to C, N, Mg, Ne, and Fe finds a high degree of chemical homogeneity, with the 1sigma-scatter adopting values of 0.03--0.07 dex around the mean for the various elements. Present-day abundances from B-type stars in Ori OB1 are compatible at similar precision with cosmic abundance standard values as recently established from early-type stars in the solar neighbourhood and also with the Sun. (abridged)
We present a 0.8 -5 micron spectral library of 210 cool stars observed at a resolving power of R = lambda / Delta lambda ~ 2000 with the medium-resolution infrared spectrograph, SpeX, at the 3.0 m NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. The stars have well established MK spectral classifications and are mostly restricted to near-solar metallicities. The sample contains the F, G, K, and M spectral types with luminosity classes between I and V, but also includes some AGB, carbon, and S stars. In contrast to some other spectral libraries, the continuum shape of the spectra are measured and preserved in the data reduction process. The spectra are absolutely flux calibrated using Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) photometry. Potential uses of the library include studying the physics of cool stars, classifying and studying embedded young clusters and optically obscured regions of the Galaxy, evolutionary population synthesis to study unresolved stellar populations in optically-obscured regions of galaxies, and synthetic photometry. The library is available in digital form from the IRTF website.
The near-infrared (NIR) wavelength range offers some unique spectral features, and it is less prone to the extinction than the optical one. Recently, the first flux calibrated NIR library of cool stars from the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) have become available, and it has not been fully exploited yet. We want to develop spectroscopic diagnostics for stellar physical parameters based on features in the wavelength range 1-5 micron. In this work we test the technique in the I and K bands. The study of the Y, J, H, and L bands will be presented in the following paper. An objective method for semi-empirical definition of spectral features sensitive to various physical parameters is applied to the spectra. It is based on sensitivity map--i.e., derivative of the flux in the spectra with respect to the stellar parameters at a fixed wavelength. New optimized indices are defined and their equivalent widths (EWs) are measured. A number of sensitive features to the effective temperature and surface gravity are re-identified or newly identified clearly showing the reliability of the sensitivity map analysis. The sensitivity map allows to identify the best bandpass limits for the line and nearby continuum. It reliably predicts the trends of spectral features with respect to a given physical parameter but not their absolute strengths. Line blends are easy to recognize when blended features have different behavior with respect to some physical stellar parameter. The use of sensitivity map is therefore complementary to the use of indices. We give the EWs of the new indices measured for the IRTF star sample. This new and homogeneous set of EWs will be useful for stellar population synthesis models and can be used to get element-by-element abundances for unresolved stellar population studies in galaxies.
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