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Hawking radiation of scalar particles from accelerating and rotating black holes

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 Added by Khalid Saifullah
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Hawking radiation of uncharged and charged scalars from accelerating and rotating black holes is studied. We calculate the tunneling probabilities of these particles from the rotation and acceleration horizons of these black holes. Using the tunneling method we recover the correct Hawking temperature as well.

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Hawking radiation from black holes has been studied as a phenomenon of quantum tunneling of particles through their horizons. We have extended this approach to study the tunneling of Dirac particles from a large class of black holes which includes those with acceleration and rotation as well. We have calculated the tunneling probability of incoming and outgoing particles, and recovered the correct Hawking temperature by this method.
Hawking radiation from black hole horizon can be viewed as a quantum tunnelling process, and fermions via tunnelling can successfully recover Hawking temperature. In this paper, considering the tunnelling particles with spin 1/2 (namely, Dirac particles), we further improve Kerner and Mans fermion tunnelling method to study Hawking radiation via tunnelling from rotating black holes in de Sitter spaces, specifically including that from Kerr de Sitter black hole and Kerr-Newman de Sitter black hole. As a result, Hawking temperatures at the event horizon (EH) and the cosmological horizon (CH) are well described via Dirac particles tunnelling.
Motivated by the success of the recently proposed method of anomaly cancellation to derive Hawking fluxes from black hole horizons of spacetimes in various dimensions, we have further extended the covariant anomaly cancellation method shortly simplified by Banerjee and Kulkarni to explore the Hawking radiation of the (3+1)-dimensional charged rotating black strings and their higher dimensional extensions in anti-de Sitter spacetimes, whose horizons are not spherical but can be toroidal, cylindrical or planar, according to their global identifications. It should be emphasized that our analysis presented here is very general in the sense that the determinant of the reduced (1+1)-dimensional effective metric from these black strings need not be equal to one $(sqrt{-g} eq 1)$. Our results indicate that the gauge and energy momentum fluxes needed to cancel the (1+1)-dimensional covariant gauge and gravitational anomalies are compatible with the Hawking fluxes. Besides, thermodynamics of these black strings are studied in the case of a variable cosmological constant.
72 - Ken Matsuno 2021
We consider the Hawking radiation by the tunneling of charged fermions and charged scalar particles from the five-dimensional charged static squashed Kaluza-Klein black hole based on the generalized uncertainty principle. We derive corrections of the Hawking temperature to general relativity, which are related to the energy of the emitted particle, the size of the extra dimension, the charge of the black hole and the quantum effect predicted by the generalized uncertainty principle. It is shown that the quantum correction may slow down the increase of the Hawking temperature, which may lead to the thermodynamic stable remnant after the evaporation of the squashed Kaluza-Klein black hole.
We study solutions in the Plebanski--Demianski family which describe an accelerating, rotating and dyonically charged black hole in $AdS_4$. These are solutions of $D=4$ Einstein-Maxwell theory with a negative cosmological constant and hence minimal $D=4$ gauged supergravity. It is well known that when the acceleration is non-vanishing the $D=4$ black hole metrics have conical singularities. By uplifting the solutions to $D=11$ supergravity using a regular Sasaki-Einstein $7$-manifold, $SE_7$, we show how the free parameters can be chosen to eliminate the conical singularities. Topologically, the $D=11$ solutions incorporate an $SE_7$ fibration over a two-dimensional weighted projective space, $mathbb{WCP}^1_{[n_-,n_+]}$, also known as a spindle, which is labelled by two integers that determine the conical singularities of the $D=4$ metrics. We also discuss the supersymmetric and extremal limit and show that the near horizon limit gives rise to a new family of regular supersymmetric $AdS_2times Y_9$ solutions of $D=11$ supergravity, which generalise a known family by the addition of a rotation parameter. We calculate the entropy of these black holes and argue that it should be possible to derive this from certain ${cal N}=2$, $d=3$ quiver gauge theories compactified on a spinning spindle with appropriate magnetic flux.
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